Weekend poll / Question Friday the 13th May 2022
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Weekend poll / Question Friday the 13th May 2022  

Same Old Shane
Member Admin
Weekend poll / Question Friday the 13th May 2022

Greetings one and all and happy Friday the 13th! 

So instead of a poll question this time around, how about an option for you guys.

What sort of horror, cursed,  or bad luck stories you have had with 3d printing? 
Regardless of the time of year, how many people have horror themed prints around your work / home area? 

For me I don't have any horror things set up yet. I do have some plans, but that will be for after I get an apartment sorted.

Cured stories? I got a lot... Before I started working here, I was following a guide on how to fix a skewed bed, and I had misunderstood the instructions as it said something along the lines of pulling the Z axis forward. And that is exactly what I did, I braced myself and pulled on the Z smooth rods (remember I was JUST starting out in 3d printing) as hard as I could till it moved..... and it did... I bent one of the smooth rods and tore it from the holders. 

I did contact support to see if I could buy a new one and explained I bent the smooth rod. Since I was in Prague, they asked if I could show it as they had a difficult time believing me with it... So I brought it in, showed it to them and paid for my replacement 🙂 

So now its your turn..... Horror related print or horror / cursed 3d printing story... You Choose. 


Shane (AKA FromPrusa)

Posted : 13/05/2022 8:24 am
Famed Member

About an hour ago, yes, ca. 0400 on Friday the 13th, I started a 14 hour print on my 'other' printer, Ultimaker, and 45 minutes into the print the filament broke between the spool and the feeder.  Of course I did not notice it until after the tail of the broken filament had vanished into the feeder and the extruder was printing air.

The filament did not seem particularly brittle, but this is the larger 2.85mm filament and is not as flexible as the 1.75mm filament.  It's a fairly new spool, with only one fairly large and successful print out of it.

I discarded the piece of the filament that was in tbe Bowden tube and reloaded it with no issues.  This is RepRapper PLA filament and I've had consistently good luck with it.

The build plate is currently in the refrigerator so I can more easily remove the remains of the failed first layer.

This is my first significant failed print in some time.

Posted : 13/05/2022 9:52 am
Ercole Altruista
Active Member
RISPONDI: Weekend poll / Question Friday the 13th May 2022

I state that here it is not the 13th but the 17th that brings bad luck ..... in any case on a day that was definitely not Friday 13 or Friday 17 I tried to print a model whose printing time was 27 hours, result: after 25 hours of perfect functioning the control board has failed, components have exploded, they also had cooling fins, the latter I found about two meters away from the printer.

..and that's not the only story I can tell.

translated by google

Posted : 13/05/2022 11:06 am
Ercole Altruista
Active Member
RISPONDI: Weekend poll / Question Friday the 13th May 2022

it happened to me many times to have the filament not perfectly wound. once in this situation, which I was unable to fix beforehand, it happened that the reel was dragged up to the plate blocking the axes. At that point the x and y motors went crazy because they could no longer turn. luckily I noticed it and turned off the printer.

translated with Google

Posted : 13/05/2022 11:21 am
Ercole Altruista
Active Member
RISPONDI: Weekend poll / Question Friday the 13th May 2022

The penultimate in chronological order is the breakage of the x-axis tensioner, in this case nothing particular happened except that I wasted 3 hours of printing (and three hours of filament) because in that case I had left the printer unattended.

translated with Google

Posted : 13/05/2022 12:38 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Weekend poll / Question Friday the 13th May 2022

I'm not superstitious at all but I will never live through a Friday the 13th without remembering a very nasty dental appointment I had on a Friday the 13th when I was young!

The one shot of novocaine was not enough and I made the mistake of complaining and they gave me another shot right in the palate with what looked like a turkey baster and burned like a mother, worse than the pain of the drilling!

Turned me into the biggest baby when it comes to pain!

The dentist I go to lately will ask if I want gas or novocaine and I say BOTH! I  need a general anesthetic to get my hair cut!

Posted : 14/05/2022 4:35 pm
Famed Member
RE: Weekend poll / Question Friday the 13th May 2022


Posted by: @annier

I  need a general anesthetic to get my hair cut!

ROFL!  😉

I about fell out of my chair on that one.  😉

Posted : 14/05/2022 11:32 pm
Ercole Altruista
Active Member
RISPONDI: Weekend poll / Question Friday the 13th May 2022

This is the last one, really very horror: a user asks a question in this forum and what happens in response? the continuation here:

my heartfelt congratulations


Posted : 15/05/2022 8:01 am
New Member
RE: Weekend poll / Question Friday the 13th May 2022

OK! in relation to the private message you sent me today and which I cannot reply to.

Buena suerte y adios

Posted by: @same-old-shane

Greetings one and all and happy Friday the 13th! 

So instead of a poll question this time around, how about an option for you guys.

What sort of horror, cursed,  or bad luck stories you have had with 3d printing? 
Regardless of the time of year, how many people have horror themed prints around your work / home area? 

For me I don't have any horror things set up yet. I do have some plans, but that will be for after I get an apartment sorted.

Cured stories? I got a lot... Before I started working here, I was following a guide on how to fix a skewed bed, and I had misunderstood the instructions as it said something along the lines of pulling the Z axis forward. And that is exactly what I did, I braced myself and pulled on the Z smooth rods (remember I was JUST starting out in 3d printing) as hard as I could till it moved..... and it did... I bent one of the smooth rods and tore it from the holders. 

I did contact support to see if I could buy a new one and explained I bent the smooth rod. Since I was in Prague, they asked if I could show it as they had a difficult time believing me with it... So I brought it in, showed it to them and paid for my replacement 🙂 

So now its your turn..... Horror related print or horror / cursed 3d printing story... You Choose. 



Posted : 16/05/2022 8:26 pm