Use of MMU2 or MMU2S on another brand of printer
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Use of MMU2 or MMU2S on another brand of printer  

New Member
Use of MMU2 or MMU2S on another brand of printer

Maybe a no-no question. But while I am waiting for XL in late 2022 was wondering if MMU device can be use on an AnyCubic Vyper printer?

Postato : 27/01/2022 8:07 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Use of MMU2 or MMU2S on another brand of printer

Hi Pat, 

I'm by no means an expert and have no experience with homebrew-printer firmware, but I do own an MMU2S (and, like many others, have had to face a few problems). The goal you set is certainly not the simplest of tasks, but it is definitely within the range of what can be achieved. If you are ambitious and/or you want to exercise patience and have a lot of free time, this could certainly be an interesting project. 😉 

Postato : 27/01/2022 8:41 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Use of MMU2 or MMU2S on another brand of printer

Well, I am retired so time is not an issue. Patience may be an issue. Have to think about what I wish to print in multi colors. Was very impressed yesterday when slicing for the Vyper on key chain tag the slicer recognized the embossing and offered to pause for color change. 

Thank you for the quick reply.

Postato : 27/01/2022 11:57 pm