Upgrade path from MK3s/MMU2s to MK4/MMU3
I've been looking at the compatibility of the MMU3 and MK4 upgrade kits, and I'm mainly interested in the MMU3 upgrade to start with. I have an MK3s (not +) with an MMU2s. The MMU3 upgrade kit lists the MK3s as incompatible.
From what I remember the MMU2s kit included some of the MK3s+ upgrades for the extruder, but it looks like it didn't include everything.
I would then think the best path forward here to get the MK3s+ upgrade kit and upgrade the missing MK3s+ pieces. However, the MK3s+ upgrade kit lists the MMU2s as incompatible.
There are similar compatibility problems for the MK4 upgrade kit from my configuration.
So, is there a path forward for the MMU3 or MK4 from my configuration?
Best Answer by K7ZPJ:
I've been looking at the compatibility of the MMU3 and MK4 upgrade kits, and I'm mainly interested in the MMU3 upgrade to start with. I have an MK3s (not +) with an MMU2s. The MMU3 upgrade kit lists the MK3s as incompatible.
From what I remember the MMU2s kit included some of the MK3s+ upgrades for the extruder, but it looks like it didn't include everything.
I would then think the best path forward here to get the MK3s+ upgrade kit and upgrade the missing MK3s+ pieces. However, the MK3s+ upgrade kit lists the MMU2s as incompatible.
There are similar compatibility problems for the MK4 upgrade kit from my configuration.
So, is there a path forward for the MMU3 or MK4 from my configuration?
To upgrade your existing MK3 to work with the MMU2S / MMU3, you need to replace the following parts.
Hot End PTFE Tube: https://www.prusa3d.com/product/hotend-ptfe-tube-mk3s-mmu2s/
IR Filament Sensor: https://www.prusa3d.com/product/ir-filament-sensor/
IR filament sensor-Einsy cable: https://www.prusa3d.com/product/ir-filament-sensor-einsy-cable/
Replace (Print or buy) all of the extruder printed parts: https://www.printables.com/model/57217-original-prusa-i3-mk3s-printable-parts?_gl=1*s4vbtc*_ga*MzQ4MTUwMjQuMTY1Nzg0Mzg1OA..*_ga_3HK7B7RT5V*MTY4OTAxNDc5MC41NTIuMS4xNjg5MDE2MjMyLjkuMC4w
Optionally replace the Pinda sensor with the Super Pinda: https://www.prusa3d.com/product/superpinda/
RE: Upgrade path from MK3s/MMU2s to MK4/MMU3
Does your MMU2 work? Mine doesn't electrical gremlins. It is going to be deep sixed and I plan on using the MMU3 on my MK4 kit that I'm getting. I also have a 5 head XL coming, so I might just skip the MMU3 altogether.
IIRC, and I rarely do, the MK3s had some filament sensing changes and the change to the new bed level sensor that was more heat resistant??? I think the only difference between a MK3+/MMU2S is the bed sensor??? The MMU2S updated the MK3 extruder top end. TO many printers, to many mods, too long ago...
RE: Upgrade path from MK3s/MMU2s to MK4/MMU3
Yeah I'm thinking about jettisoning my MMU2S when I upgrade my 2 MK3+ machines. The MMU does work but I do get what I believe is the much talked about 5v problem once in a while.
I also have a day one 5 extruder XL assembled preorder and I think I'll probably use that as my multi-color/filament printer. the thing that's annoying about the MMU2S (other than the normal things) is the fact that it basically means I can use it as a tpu printer unless I unplug the mmu and feed the tpu directly to the extruder. This is a big reason I left one of my two printers non-mmu.
At this rate the XL might get here before the MK3->MK4 upgrade kits...
Does your MMU2 work? Mine doesn't electrical gremlins. It is going to be deep sixed and I plan on using the MMU3 on my MK4 kit that I'm getting. I also have a 5 head XL coming, so I might just skip the MMU3 altogether.
IIRC, and I rarely do, the MK3s had some filament sensing changes and the change to the new bed level sensor that was more heat resistant??? I think the only difference between a MK3+/MMU2S is the bed sensor??? The MMU2S updated the MK3 extruder top end. TO many printers, to many mods, too long ago...
I've been looking at the compatibility of the MMU3 and MK4 upgrade kits, and I'm mainly interested in the MMU3 upgrade to start with. I have an MK3s (not +) with an MMU2s. The MMU3 upgrade kit lists the MK3s as incompatible.
From what I remember the MMU2s kit included some of the MK3s+ upgrades for the extruder, but it looks like it didn't include everything.
I would then think the best path forward here to get the MK3s+ upgrade kit and upgrade the missing MK3s+ pieces. However, the MK3s+ upgrade kit lists the MMU2s as incompatible.
There are similar compatibility problems for the MK4 upgrade kit from my configuration.
So, is there a path forward for the MMU3 or MK4 from my configuration?
To upgrade your existing MK3 to work with the MMU2S / MMU3, you need to replace the following parts.
Hot End PTFE Tube: https://www.prusa3d.com/product/hotend-ptfe-tube-mk3s-mmu2s/
IR Filament Sensor: https://www.prusa3d.com/product/ir-filament-sensor/
IR filament sensor-Einsy cable: https://www.prusa3d.com/product/ir-filament-sensor-einsy-cable/
Replace (Print or buy) all of the extruder printed parts: https://www.printables.com/model/57217-original-prusa-i3-mk3s-printable-parts?_gl=1*s4vbtc*_ga*MzQ4MTUwMjQuMTY1Nzg0Mzg1OA..*_ga_3HK7B7RT5V*MTY4OTAxNDc5MC41NTIuMS4xNjg5MDE2MjMyLjkuMC4w
Optionally replace the Pinda sensor with the Super Pinda: https://www.prusa3d.com/product/superpinda/