Unofficial Prusa Connect Wait Thread
I am eagerly waiting for the public beta for Prusa Connect. I am wondering what specs you hope it has?
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: Unofficial Prusa Connect Wait Thread
Can someone fill me in on that public beta for Prusa Connect? Because I also would love to get into that also!
RE: Unofficial Prusa Connect Wait Thread
I do not think it has been released yet. I would like to see a filament tracker and statistics/history.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: Unofficial Prusa Connect Wait Thread
I'll second the wish for a filament manager -- something integrated with the slicer and printer. Set up each spool once, select it from "inventory" when slicing, decrement available amount after print jobs.
RE: Unofficial Prusa Connect Wait Thread
Maybe a cost and price calculation mechanism?
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: Unofficial Prusa Connect Wait Thread
I would really like to see a print-status-flag.
Something like http://mini-url/printstatus
And it would return the status of a print, for ex, pre-printing, printing%, print-finished
Then you can poll that from any universal monitor software and not only the prusa farm software.
I use websockets on a pi with my homeautomations to recieve status from my controlbox and log certain events off-box.
Prusa Mini+ kit. BondTech extruder. FW 5.1.2
Prusa MK3S+ kit. Stock. FW 3.11.0
Prusa MK3S+, used. Stock. FW 3.13.3
RE: Unofficial Prusa Connect Wait Thread
As a current reprapfirmware user, I want them to just copy the whole of duet web control. Well, one can always dream.
RE: Unofficial Prusa Connect Wait Thread
Does anyone know what hardware it runs on? I have a lot of raspberries now.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: Unofficial Prusa Connect Wait Thread
For one, it needs to replicate what Octoprint does but at this point I consider that table stakes.
In terms of novel functionality to set it apart from Octoprint, one feature I’d love to see is close integration with and PrusaSlicer.
I currently use AstroPrint as my online archive of STL and sliced gcodes for my Mk3Ss and Minis. I would love the ability to download models from directly into Prusa Connect. Then transfer STLs from there into PrusaSlicer to slice and the gcode back into Connect. I don’t like integrated slicers as they always tend to be behind the latest version
The other important feature for me is queue management. One of the features that make me use AstroPrint is it’s pretty nice multi printer queue management system I couldn’t live without
Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...
RE: Unofficial Prusa Connect Wait Thread
I do like the library of Gcode in Octoprint. I also like the PrintLoghistory plugin. I like the cost estimation plugin but wish is was more robust.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog