Trademark/Copyright question
Hi, total newbie here. Quick question: I designed a wera tools inspider handle for a dremel brass brush to be used as a nozzle cleaning tool - would sharing the design on printables be a trademark/copyright violation? Might be a silly question, but better to be safe than sorry.
RE: Trademark/Copyright question
In general you should be good if
* you don't include a corporate logo on the design, in photos, or in the description
* you don't claim it's a Wera tool but "compatible with Wera tools".
Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...
Or more strictly: dremel brass brush compatible.
Basically most companies don't mind if you create something that will increase their sales. What they really hate is anything that uses their name but not their quality control so that any faults are blamed on them both besmirching their reputation and tying up their help desks.