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Strong supports  

Active Member
Strong supports

Hello everyone!

I am printing on Prusa MK3S and have encountered supports that are difficult to remove. Very strong supports. This happens with flat surfaces. On uneven surfaces, the supports are easily removed. Advise which settings to change so that the supports are disconnected more easily.

With organic supports, it takes much longer to print.


Publié : 09/10/2023 12:55 pm
Illustrious Member

Experiment with the XY Seperation.


Publié : 09/10/2023 1:26 pm
Famed Member
RE: Strong supports

I'd try to go with Snug instead Grid, raise the top contact distance to 0.25 (assuming you're using a 0.4mm nozzle), set pattern spacing to 3, top interface layers to 4, and xy separation to 75%

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Publié : 09/10/2023 1:36 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Strong supports

Thanks for the help!

Snug and XY separation gave results.

Publié : 10/10/2023 10:49 am
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