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Stringing from print path  

 T T
New Member
Stringing from print path

I have a prusa mini+ and I am printing a cookie cutter design. When I go to slice it the software starts and stops in locations that create stringing / bumps. It only occurs on half of the part, some of the locations print out great but the locations where the printers stops and move to another spot the print is messy. I am looking to get rid of the stringing at least internally. In attached photos you can see circled in blue the printer wants to start the print in the middle of the rib. Is there anyway to avoid starting in this location. I have ran it with default settings, as well as adjusting temperature, retraction length, no fill, minimum 1 perimeter, avoid crossing perimeters, external perimeters first. I know the printer can have quality prints because half of the part looks amazing. It is just the parts where the nozzle moves to a new location where it causes defects.


Postato : 15/08/2022 11:43 pm