Source of drybox shown in video? (Prusa promo-material)
Hi. I've been watching the promotional material for the Prusa Core One. At 3:18 the video shows a drybox being hanged in the spool holder bar (see attached image). I've tried to find this spool holder but I can't... does anyone know where this spool holder comes from?
RE: Source of drybox shown in video? (Prusa promo-material)
It's part of the Core One enclosure
RE: Source of drybox shown in video? (Prusa promo-material)
What is shown in the video is probably one of the (I suspect many) prototype drybox solutions that Prusa is playing around with for the CoreONE. I recall seeing a different solution in one of the SMRFF videos.
I don't think they are shipping CoreONEs yet (though they should be soon to meet their promised January 2025 start for shipping). A quick check on the Prusa store and I don't see a category for CoreONE accessories yet. And a quick check on Printables searching on both "coreone" and "core one", while I see a couple mods for the left-side storage indentation and top ventilation handles, I don't see anything for the right-side spool holder.
My advise right now: Patience, grasshopper.
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