Slic3r PE 1.41.2 do not behave normally
i'm facing some issues for a while that i never had before with slic3r.
So whenever i want to print something, i normally open slic3r, import an STL, play a bit with the settings, slice and then export to SD card or sent it to octoprint.
Now, whenever i want to import a STL , that message show up saying it cannot found sldresu.dll in some solidworks repo. see: ...But still im able to select a file and open it.
Then for some models, when i want to slice them, the charging green bar goes weirdly fast or not event showing green. but still i can see the model with support and infill in the preview and the weird part : when i try to create the g-code, the charging time is also weirdly fast, and when it's finished, i have a print time of 1s and 2s for silent mode and the model in the preview page disappear :
it still worked wit some STL files , but now im just trying to slice a XYZ calibration cube and it wont slice.
So i looked online and did'nt find any similar case to that.
i tried a couple things and reinstaling slic3r, but no luck with that. i would like to NOT unninstal solid work because i need it for school.
is it my computer not strong enough?
i was wondering if i was the only one haveing that kind of issues. or if anyone have any idea why this is happening.
Thanks in advance