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Shipping / Lead times  

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New Member
Shipping / Lead times

There was 2 months lead time when I ordered the MMU2. Now - 4 weeks later - the forecast is 3 months. I wouldn't complain if invoicing was at the time of shipping, but advance payment with this kind of creeping delays leaves me with a very bitter taste.

Postato : 05/02/2019 5:07 pm
Noble Member
Re: Shipping / Lead times

There was 2 months lead time when I ordered the MMU2. Now - 4 weeks later - the forecast is 3 months. I wouldn't complain if invoicing was at the time of shipping, but advance payment with this kind of creeping delays leaves me with a very bitter taste.

I ordered mine 12/3 and it reported an expected delivery in Feb. On 12/31 I got a "shipping soon" notice and nothing since.

Now the Current Lead Times sheet shows a March delivery 🙁

I just broke down and pinged support via live chat and their response was that the Chinese New Year has delayed things.

I'd be less irritated if A) I hadn't paid up front, B) it hadn't been in "shipping soon" for a month, and C) they actually proactively notified me.

MMU tips and troubleshooting
Postato : 05/02/2019 11:41 pm
Noble Member
Re: Shipping / Lead times

There was 2 months lead time when I ordered the MMU2. Now - 4 weeks later - the forecast is 3 months. I wouldn't complain if invoicing was at the time of shipping, but advance payment with this kind of creeping delays leaves me with a very bitter taste.

I ordered mine 12/3 and it reported an expected delivery in Feb. On 12/31 I got a "shipping soon" notice and nothing since.

Now the Current Lead Times sheet shows a March delivery 🙁

I just broke down and pinged support via live chat and their response was that the Chinese New Year has delayed things.

I'd be less irritated if A) I hadn't paid up front, B) it hadn't been in "shipping soon" for a month, and C) they actually proactively notified me.

Apparently complaining got them to did something. The PEI sheet that came with my printer was damaged (though still usable) so they were supposed to send a new one with the MMU. Just got a DHL notice this morning and it looks like they are just going ahead and sending the sheet by itself.

I got excited when I got the notice 🙁

MMU tips and troubleshooting
Postato : 06/02/2019 5:43 pm
New Member
Re: Shipping / Lead times

There was 2 months lead time when I ordered the MMU2. Now - 4 weeks later - the forecast is 3 months. I wouldn't complain if invoicing was at the time of shipping, but advance payment with this kind of creeping delays leaves me with a very bitter taste.

Now it is 4 months. I am very, very unhappy.

Postato : 23/02/2019 7:51 pm
Active Member
Re: Shipping / Lead times

I would have ordered one MMU2S but since the powder coated print sheets aren't available either I'm just going to wait. Might be a long wait but I got that 3rd party pc sheet already, perhaps there's a 3rd party MMU too before PR gets there? 😀

Postato : 23/02/2019 8:18 pm
Re: Shipping / Lead times

I would have ordered one MMU2S but since the powder coated print sheets aren't available either I'm just going to wait. Might be a long wait but I got that 3rd party pc sheet already, perhaps there's a 3rd party MMU too before PR gets there? 😀

All the bits are on Aliexpress, but tbh I think it adds up to maybe $100 less; for that difference I'd rather just have the official support rather than be up the creek without a paddle for random chinese parts. As finicky as the MMU2 seems to be, not sure I'd want to throw in the added "Chinesium" factor to make it even more so.

Postato : 23/02/2019 9:41 pm
Active Member
Re: Shipping / Lead times

I would have ordered one MMU2S but since the powder coated print sheets aren't available either I'm just going to wait. Might be a long wait but I got that 3rd party pc sheet already, perhaps there's a 3rd party MMU too before PR gets there? 😀

All the bits are on Aliexpress, but tbh I think it adds up to maybe $100 less; for that difference I'd rather just have the official support rather than be up the creek without a paddle for random chinese parts. As finicky as the MMU2 seems to be, not sure I'd want to throw in the added "Chinesium" factor to make it even more so.

I could be wrong, but aren't most of the non-printed parts PR sells chinesium? As someone said here his/hers order was delayed because of chinese new year. 🙂 But I would guess it's "selected chinesium" from bigger lot of which one can choose which parts to sell and which send back to China. I hope. 😀

Had to do a quick search on AE and yes, there already is complete set (sans the printed parts) sold on Aliexpress for 144 euros (FREE shipping) that compared to 300 euros PLUS shipping from Prusa makes it a bit tempting. But I'll wait for now. And save my money for more filament. 🙂

Postato : 23/02/2019 10:16 pm
Re: Shipping / Lead times

I would have ordered one MMU2S but since the powder coated print sheets aren't available either I'm just going to wait. Might be a long wait but I got that 3rd party pc sheet already, perhaps there's a 3rd party MMU too before PR gets there? 😀

All the bits are on Aliexpress, but tbh I think it adds up to maybe $100 less; for that difference I'd rather just have the official support rather than be up the creek without a paddle for random chinese parts. As finicky as the MMU2 seems to be, not sure I'd want to throw in the added "Chinesium" factor to make it even more so.

I could be wrong, but aren't most of the non-printed parts PR sells chinesium? As someone said here his/hers order was delayed because of chinese new year. 🙂 But I would guess it's "selected chinesium" from bigger lot of which one can choose which parts to sell and which send back to China. I hope. 😀

Had to do a quick search on AE and yes, there already is complete set (sans the printed parts) sold on Aliexpress for 144 euros (FREE shipping) that compared to 300 euros PLUS shipping from Prusa makes it a bit tempting. But I'll wait for now. And save my money for more filament. 🙂

Sure, but at least with PR you know what you are getting, it has support if you get a bum part, and it's had some sort of QC. AliExpress is basically a crapshoot, they could be factory rejects from the same provider as PR, cheap knockoffs with worse tolerances, etc.

Postato : 23/02/2019 10:49 pm
New Member
Re: Shipping / Lead times

So say I purchased a new MK3S kit today, any idea on when the delivery date would be? I'm a newcomer to the group and figured you guys would have a better idea on the situation

Postato : 01/03/2019 4:42 am
Trusted Member
Re: Shipping / Lead times

So say I purchased a new MK3S kit today, any idea on when the delivery date would be? I'm a newcomer to the group and figured you guys would have a better idea on the situation

You would get it in a week or two. Most probably in less than 10 days.

Postato : 01/03/2019 7:48 am
Eminent Member
Re: Shipping / Lead times

So say I purchased a new MK3S kit today, any idea on when the delivery date would be? I'm a newcomer to the group and figured you guys would have a better idea on the situation

I ordered a second printer on 02/28 and it shipped today for delivery on Wednesday. (MK3S Kit Orange)

Postato : 04/03/2019 7:21 pm
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