Sharing slicer profiles across computers
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Sharing slicer profiles across computers  

Damian Brodrick
New Member
Sharing slicer profiles across computers


Is there a way to share my slicer profiles across machines? I have multiple PC's and having configured materials on my laptop I would like them available on other machines I own. I know you can export configs and bundles but this is a manual process, I'm looking for something more automated.

It would be good if Prusa could add some sort of cloud sync for their slicer. 

In the meantime I'll see if I can do something clever with my gdrive. 

Publié : 04/10/2019 8:00 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Sharing slicer profiles across computers

The only way I can think of is to set up a folder share for the config folders and do it that way.

Expecting Prusa so supply a cloud solution along with all the server issues/bandwidth costs etc that entails is not really reasonable.  These forums slow down enough sometimes so extra server tasks on their hardware wouldnt be welcome.

Publié : 04/10/2019 8:02 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Sharing slicer profiles across computers

The best I've found is syncing config bundles across multiple computers. I use syncthing for this.

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Publié : 04/10/2019 12:10 pm
Prominent Member
RE: Sharing slicer profiles across computers

This same issue has been brought up a couple times on the issue tracker over at GitHub. Every time Prusa responds with variations on "use the --datadir command line argument" and then they close the issue. For some reason they think that is enough.

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Publié : 04/10/2019 1:01 pm
AcE Krystal
Trusted Member
RE: Sharing slicer profiles across computers

Sorry for opening this post again but I'm frustrated for so long already by the lack of a proper sharing profile feature. I was waiting for a good moment to open this discussion again, and I think is is now 🙂

I have been using the --datadir way for some years now but it is only becoming worse!


I wished Prusa would add better support for centralized configuration files... Since a few updates it has become harder and harder to keep using the "--datadir" way :

  • Every update you need to go and find all shortcuts and edit this --datadir back in.
  • If you open prusa-slicer related files directly slicer does not get opened through a modded shortcut and does not load in your config file. 
  • Now these day's there are 2 shortcuts "Configure Automatic Updates" and "PrusaSlicer 2.5.0", I don't know if certain function stop working by only updating and making new shortcuts directly to "PrusaSlicer 2.5.0" file.
  • Following up on the line above and this github #7567 issues, clearly feathers do fail and this is the first one I visually get feedback from that it fails. (Send System Info screen keeps opening on startup)


I'm using the --datadir to save my config files to a nextcloud synced folder, so I can use if over multiple PC's and even on laptop on remote locations to do my work. But it is just far from optimal. I even had one time the default config's overwrite my synced config files, losing all my configurations while at work by a customer under time pressure! I managed to get the files back later by reverting backups and am now making backups before every update... but this is just so fragile using the --datadir way.

Please add a proper way to point to a synced profile location!
Link to Feature request

Creative Engineer and 3D printing @

Publié : 12/10/2022 12:43 pm
Ringarn67 a aimé
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