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Would a dedicated Materials section on the Forum be helpful ? Poll is created on Sep 02, 2024


Poll - Materials Forum Section  

Trusted Member
Poll - Materials Forum Section

Does anyone else also feel the need for a dedicated forum section on materials ? Some discussions (printing with Nylon, filament dry temperatures / times) don't fit neatly into the box of one or more printer models and tend to get lost in "general". Where do others go for inspiration / discussion / questions around 3D print materials ?

This topic was modified 2 weeks ago by HappyKatz

Prusa is MK4S w/ MMU3 (formerly MK4 / MMU3, MK3S+/MMU2), 2 Prusa MINI+, Octoprint. PETG, PVB, (some) PLA.

Posted : 02/09/2024 6:09 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Poll - Materials Forum Section

Sure. That's one of the things I do not understand on this forum. Printers may differ in detail and yes on an MK4 you may need to check a different wire than on an MK3 to solve a problem so printer-specific forums may be the best way to discuss issues specific for a pasticular printer. 

Materials are the same for all, however, and advice on material choice and application, on quality control, and sharing experience  is best collected in a general, not printer specfic group rather than be spread over the many 'how do I print this' sections.

Posted : 02/09/2024 8:05 pm
Illustrious Member

We need fewer forum sections, not more.


Posted : 03/09/2024 6:48 am
Ringarn67 liked