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Recommendations for wood filament?  

Famed Member
Recommendations for wood filament?

A couple of days ago I got some great recommendations for weather stone-looking filament. 

Now I'm asking for suggestions for wood filament. I've tried Amoled, iSanMate, Monoprice, and Proto-Pasta wood PLA. Proto-Pasta and Monoprice have a nice wooden feeling (and smell), Amoled and iSanMate feel more like wood-colored PLA and just don't look "real". 

Any other brands I should explore?

PS: Unrelated, but as we're talking filament, Proto-Pasta's iron filled PLA is fantastic and looks amazing after quick-rusting it!

Posted : 08/12/2021 7:21 pm
Noble Member
RE: Recommendations for wood filament?

Posted : 09/12/2021 7:14 am
Famed Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Recommendations for wood filament?

@lichtjaeger Thanks for the link. 40% wood is very nice, much higher than the 20 or 30 you see in other filaments. Alas, not affordable for shipping to the US ☹️ 40 pounds shipping fee on top of the 40 pounds for the filament, for a total of more than $100... There's some Filamentive filament on but not wood—of course. But I'll keep my eyes open for it, maybe it'll show up one day.

Question: The dark variant looks VERY dark in the pictures? Is that what it really looks like? 


Posted : 09/12/2021 11:46 am
Noble Member
RE: Recommendations for wood filament?


Posted by: @fuchsr

Question: The dark variant looks VERY dark in the pictures? Is that what it really looks like? 

Yes, it does. It feels and smells like wood, but looks like dark chocolate. I prefer the light one.

Posted : 09/12/2021 12:47 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Recommendations for wood filament?

This is Eryone wood PLA, it prints fairly easily using generic PLA settings.

Posted : 09/12/2021 1:19 pm
Famed Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Recommendations for wood filament?

Thanks! Always hard to tell from pictures... how real does it feel for you? There's no indication on the website of the percentage of wood in it.

Posted : 09/12/2021 1:40 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Recommendations for wood filament?

I think it feels a fair bit like wood YEMV. It's matt vs shiny, and if I could find a way to give it a grain texture in Fusion 360 I think it would be quite convincing. It makes a nice burnt wood smell whilst printing, which is an entirely useless guide to how much wood there is, but I guess it proves there is some 🙂.  BTW the picture is of the "dark" wood. It's not what I would call dark, but I guess that's just a reference relative to their lighter version!

Posted : 09/12/2021 1:55 pm
Famed Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Recommendations for wood filament?

Thank, sounds promising. I'll give it a try. 

Re texture, have you tried the Fuzzy surface feature in PrusaSlicer? I never thought much of it but the other day I printed a large knitting bowl for my wife and gave it a try, and it looks phenomenal. 

Posted : 09/12/2021 2:46 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Recommendations for wood filament?

I think it's time to install the beta and give Fuzzy a try then. Thanks for the info. 🙂 

Posted : 09/12/2021 3:02 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Recommendations for wood filament?

Re dark/light wood:  Some wood filaments char slightly as they print and carefully raising the temperature can darken the shade to taste... 

Caveat:  The extruder could, in theory, get hot enough to set fire to wood so don't go all the way.


Posted : 09/12/2021 5:35 pm
Razor and StanHD liked
Famed Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Recommendations for wood filament?

hot enough to set fire to wood

In which case it's time to get the marshmallows out and make some 'smores over the Prusa camp fire 🙂

Yeah, I know about this feature of wood but if you're starting too dark, there's nothing you can do.

Posted : 09/12/2021 6:11 pm
StanHD liked
Active Member

We sell only wood filament printed items in our Etsy shop using Hatchbox wood PLA. We finish all of our items by first sanding and then stain/oil and clearcoat. Attached are some of our results finished and unfinished.

Posted : 17/12/2021 7:14 pm
LePhoenix liked
Active Member
RE: Recommendations for wood filament?


Posted by: @stanhd

... and if I could find a way to give it a grain texture in Fusion 360 I think it would be quite convincing. 

I've been able to achieve the wood grain texture. But not in Fusion 360. It's possible using Blender. Look into displacement mapping. I followed this article. Below is an example of the results. The examples have been sanded and stained/oiled.


Posted : 17/12/2021 7:23 pm
LePhoenix, StanHD and liked
Noble Member
RE: Recommendations for wood filament?



I don't print wood filament, however your results look very nice. I could also suggest that 3DSmax can offer textures such as these, via displacement and Normals Maps, that can be done procedurally or through the use of texture maps turned Grey scale for displacement applications.






P.S. Blender is also in my tool set.

The Filament Whisperer

Posted : 20/12/2021 4:04 am
StanHD liked
Eminent Member
RE: Recommendations for wood filament?


Thanks for the suggestion and link. Those results look very good, so I will definitely follow through on that.


Thanks for the info, I have a friend who uses 3DSmax, so will ask them to run it through with me.

Great suggestions, much appreciated.

Posted : 20/12/2021 7:43 am
New Member

Wow! These look great!  

I am trying to find the method in the website you suggested.  I am unable to find it; do you know what date I should try on that website?

Also, what type of filament are you using?

Posted : 11/12/2022 6:01 pm
Active Member

@BigBaldBob What I provided above is direct link to the article that explains the method, no need to search the website.

I use Hatchbox wood or Eryone wood. I find that they print, look and feel exactly the same.

This post was modified 2 years ago by e1miran
Posted : 12/12/2022 2:17 pm
New Member
RE: Recommendations for wood filament?

Thank you @e1miran!

I'll give this a try.  

I am trying to find a filament that has temperature-sensitive darkening.  The filament I tried (ColorFabb) did not change color over a large temperature range.

Posted : 12/12/2022 3:19 pm