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Prusaslicer export to GCode problem  

New Member
Prusaslicer export to GCode problem


I have just put together a Mini+ (7 hours over 2 days) all working well.  Slow and sure and read then read again instructions. 😀 

Like any newbie. I built the “PRUSA sign” and “desky”. I then went on the Printables site and downloaded a couple of things for my LaserPecker2. Then realized I had to change them in the PrusaSlicer program. (downloaded no problems) finally sorted out how to get the GCode. Downloaded a few items to print without problems

Now for my problem. ---- I downloaded something from the Thingiverse, it is 3.7MB stl. File. I open it in PrusaSlicer and try to change it to export it as a GCode. And my computer says it is using very nearly 100% of the Computing power of the CPU (Intel ® Core ™ i5-4750cpu @ 3.20Ghz), and the exporting takes so long it stops. I have the same problem with a 1.3MB stl. file

How do I get this GCode? do I have to alter something? Help please.

Napsal : 22/07/2022 7:08 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Prusaslicer export to GCode problem

Might want to start with the basics

Napsal : 22/07/2022 7:50 am
Illustrious Member

I downloaded something from the Thingiverse,

If you have problems with a publicly available file supply a link so somebody here can check it.  A significant number of Thingiverse downloads are untested, unprinted and essentially unprintable, regrettably quite a few of them are arriving on printables nowadays too.

Naturally new users see an interesting design and until they have enough experience to recognise flawed structures they are a discouraging source of frustration.

As a good general rule never download anything unless there is a photograph of a successful print.


Napsal : 22/07/2022 2:18 pm