Prusameter rewards for makes not working
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Prusameter rewards for makes not working  

Active Member
Prusameter rewards for makes not working

It says on the the rewards page that you get 10 prusameter points for each uploaded make (up to 10 makes per calender month).

Has anyone else noticed that this calender month which started on the 1 JAN 2022 does not give any points?

Publié : 05/01/2022 12:32 pm
Estimable Member

Does it say per calendar month?, I don't think it does. It makes no mention of when it resets.

There are more ways how to get Prusameters and you don’t have to be a model designer. Every month, you can upload up to 10 Makes (photos of 3D printed models) and receive Prusameters for them. You can also receive a one-time reward for creating up to 3 new non-empty Collections or for uploading up to 10 new prints (existing Collections and prints do not count).

Publié : 05/01/2022 12:37 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusameter rewards for makes not working

Yes they said so . 🙂 Here is a screenshot




Publié : 05/01/2022 12:53 pm
Tim Weston
Estimable Member
RE: Prusameter rewards for makes not working

Working for me. I posted a make yesterday and got 10 Prusameters added.

Pretty sure that 'Sp4rkR4t' is right with his comment. My first make was 23/12/21 and my profile now says I have 5/10. My guess is that my monthly 'counter' will reset on the 23/1/22. Check the 'Recent Transactions' section in your 'Prusameter spool' to see when your first make was posted.


Publié : 05/01/2022 1:14 pm
New Member
RE: Prusameter rewards for makes not working

In my case i get Prusameters for makes but no from prints or collections. A bit frustrating since i have 329 prusameters, so my spool is right around the corner


Publié : 20/01/2022 1:22 pm
Active Member
RE: Prusameter rewards for makes not working

Has this been solved for you? I do have this issue too.

Publié : 27/02/2022 3:11 am
Jordon's 3D Printing and Design
RE: Prusameter rewards for makes not working

The last two prints I've uploaded did not gain me any prusameters. I'm at 309 and would like if they keep ticking up  

Publié : 04/03/2022 3:29 pm
AskMe a aimé
Jordon's 3D Printing and Design
RE: Prusameter rewards for makes not working

Ya support said you only get points for the first 10 prints 

Publié : 12/03/2022 10:58 am
Active Member

We are talking about the makes not the 3d models. Thought thanks for having tried to answer.

Ce message a été modifié il y a 3 years par AskMe
Publié : 12/03/2022 4:09 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Prusameter rewards for makes not working

In the last two months (February and March) I have uploaded 10 makes for each month and I have correctly received 10 points for each one, only at the eleventh the score has not changed.

I'm pretty sure that the month starts on the first and ends on the last day (28 30 or 31 depending on the month)

I'm pretty sure also that the posting makes of our own models don't count and that Prusa checks see here

Publié : 14/03/2022 2:38 pm
Peter H
Trusted Member
RE: Prusameter rewards for makes not working


Posted by: @argirob

I'm pretty sure also that the posting makes of our own models don't count and that Prusa checks see here

I don't understand why anyone wants to upload "makes" of their own models.  Surely it's better to have photographs with the original upload so people can see how it prints from the outset?     

What is the logic behind uploading more "makes" of your own stuff?  I know quite a few people do it and I'd like to understand why.


Publié : 15/03/2022 2:45 am
New Member
RE: Prusameter rewards for makes not working


Posted by: @argirob

In the last two months (February and March) I have uploaded 10 makes for each month and I have correctly received 10 points for each one, only at the eleventh the score has not changed.

I'm pretty sure that the month starts on the first and ends on the last day (28 30 or 31 depending on the month)

I'm pretty sure also that the posting makes of our own models don't count and that Prusa checks see here 



Publié : 15/03/2022 3:33 am
Ludo B
New Member
RE: Prusameter rewards for makes not working

Ik stap het niet, is het nu de eerste 10 prints of 10 per maand. Als het 10 per maand is sta ik flink wat achter. In december heb ik 9 prints geplaats, tot daar is de teller mee. In de maanden januari, februari en maart heb ik 18 prints gepost zonder 1m op de teller. De andere waar je meters voor krijgt die tellen wel aan?

10 per maand of enkel de eerste 10, kan ik moeilijk geloven????

I don't step it, is it now the first 10 prints or 10 per month. If it's 10 a month, I'm way behind. In December I placed 9 prints, the counter is up to that. In the months of January, February and March I posted 18 prints without 1m on the counter. The other ones you get meters for do count?

10 per month or just the first 10, hard to believe????

Publié : 15/03/2022 9:13 pm
Peter H
Trusted Member
RE: Prusameter rewards for makes not working

Hi Ludo - 

Prints (your own designs) - the first ten only, but you get meters if more than 30 downloads for a print in one month and even more if 100 downloads. 
Makes (other peoples designs) - ten per month.      

Publié : 15/03/2022 10:36 pm
PjotrStrog a aimé
Eminent Member
RE: Prusameter rewards for makes not working

Le "prints" sono i modelli che tu disegni e che dovresti stampare per dimostrare a chi li vorrebbe scaricare che sono in effetti delle cose stampabili.

I "makes" sono invece i modelli di altri disegnatori che tu hai stampato con successo e sei desideroso di condividere con la comunità.

Le prime ti consentono un guadagno di 10 punti una tantum dopo che, a partire dal lancio della campagna, hai pubblicato 10 modelli nuovi (io l'ho fatto e ho ricevuto 10 punti, ma dall'undicesimo in poi nessun punto).

Le seconde invece, su base mensile, ti danno diritto a 10 punti ogni 10 make, in altre parole 10 punti a febbraio se stampi 10 modelli, sempre 10 se ne stampi 11; 10 punti a marzo se stampi 10 modelli, sempre 10 se ne stampi 20 e così via.

All'inizio della campagna anche a me è parso ingiusto che promuovessero più gli stampatori che i disegnatori, ma ragionandoci un pochino è ovvio che chi vende filamenti e stampanti preferisce che vengano stampate 1000 copie di un modello piuttosto che pubblicati 1000 modelli.

@ludo: carino il fatto che scrivi in due lingue, mi permetto di copiarti [cioè un make del tuo post (anche se non mi darà 10 punti)]


"Prints" are the models that you design and that you should print to demonstrate to those who would like to download them that they are in fact printable things.

"Makes" are the models of other designers that you have successfully printed and are eager to share with the community.

The former allow you a one-off 10 points gain after you have published 10 new models starting from the launch of the campaign (I did it and received 10 points, but no points from the eleventh onwards).

The latter instead, on a monthly basis, entitle you to 10 points for every 10 make, in other words 10 points in February if you print 10 models, always 10 if you print 11; 10 points in March if you print 10 models, always 10 if you print 20 and so on.

At the beginning of the campaign it also seemed unfair to me that they were promoting "printers" more than designers, but thinking about it a little it is obvious that those who sell filaments and printers prefer 1000 copies of a model to be printed rather than 1000 models published.

@ludo: nice that you write in two languages, I take the liberty of copying you [ie a make of your post (even if it won't give me 10 points)]


Publié : 16/03/2022 7:22 am
PjotrStrog et Peter H ont aimé
Eminent Member
RE: Prusameter rewards for makes not working


Posted by: @peter-h


Posted by: @argirob

I'm pretty sure also that the posting makes of our own models don't count and that Prusa checks see here

I don't understand why anyone wants to upload "makes" of their own models.  Surely it's better to have photographs with the original upload so people can see how it prints from the outset?     

What is the logic behind uploading more "makes" of your own stuff?  I know quite a few people do it and I'd like to understand why.



io disegno un modello per una mia necessità particolare e di conseguenza lo stampo, poi penso che quel modello possa essere utile ad altri e lo condivido sui siti tipo questo, per dimostrare che è una cosa reale pubblico anche un paio di foto del modello, magari "in azione".

Normalmente qui si conclude il processo di condivisione del modello da me creato, scopro però che uno dei siti su cui ho pubblicato l'oggetto mi consente di guadagnare 10 punti per ogni modello che pubblico, se guadagno 350 punti avrò diritto a ricevere in gradito omaggio una bobina di filamento a mia scelta.

Il problema è che ci vogliono 350 punti per ottenere la bobina ed il sito ti omaggia di 10 punti solo per i primi 10 modelli che pubblichi per cui sei costretto a cercare di guadagnare i punti in altri modi. Se sei un bravo disegnatore li guadagni con i like e con i download oppure vincendo un contest.

In alternativa ti danno la possibilità di guadagnare 10 punti al mese se pubblichi una stampa di un modello qualsiasi (nota bene che nel regolamento non c'è scritto che non puoi pubblicare i make dei tuoi modelli).

Ora qui nasce il problema: ma perchè io devo stampare 10 cose inutili per avere 10 punti guando posso stamparmi 10 dei miei modelli, tra le altre non spreco inutilmente il filamento 🙂



I design a model for my particular need and consequently I mold it, then I think that model can be useful to others and I share it on sites like this, to show that it is a real thing I also publish a couple of photos of the model, maybe "in action".

Normally this ends the process of sharing the model I created, but I discover that one of the sites on which I published the object allows me to earn 10 points for each model I publish, if I earn 350 points I will be entitled to receive as a gift a spool of filament of my choice.

The problem is that it takes 350 points to get the reel and the site gives you 10 points only for the first 10 models you publish so you are forced to try to earn the points in other ways. If you are a good designer you earn them with likes and downloads or by winning a contest.

Alternatively, they give you the opportunity to earn 10 points per month if you publish a print of any model (note that in the regulation it does not say that you cannot publish the makes of your models).

Now here comes the problem: but why do I have to print 10 useless things to get 10 points when I can print 10 of my models, among others I do not waste the filament unnecessarily 🙂



Publié : 16/03/2022 7:46 am
Peter H a aimé
New Member
RE: Prusameter rewards for makes not working

The first ten are free, but you receive meters if you have more than 30 downloads for a print in a month, and much more if you have 100 downloads.

Publié : 16/03/2022 10:31 am
Ludo B
New Member
RE: Prusameter rewards for makes not working

Dank u voor de commentaar, nu ik nog verder lees begrijp ik dat het maar de 1ste 10 prints zijn die punten opleveren. Misschien zou de website daar dan wat duidelijker in kunnen zijn. Want er zijn nog wel meer mensen die het niet zo goed begrijpen. Ik hoop dat er iemand van het Prusa team mee leest.

Thanks for the comment, now that I read further I understand that it is only the 1st 10 prints that score points. Perhaps the website could be a bit clearer about that. Because there are still more people who don't understand it very well. I hope someone from the Prusa team is reading along.



Publié : 21/03/2022 10:51 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Prusameter rewards for makes not working

I suggest to reward the author of the model with 10 points when the first make is published. Unfortunately this site is so full of junk that it is difficult to print something that is printable 🙂

1+1=10 - take a look at my disgusting and useless models

Publié : 04/10/2022 8:25 am
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