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Prusa-Slicer ver 2.2.0 Win64  

New Member
Prusa-Slicer ver 2.2.0 Win64

Hi, I have just started using Prusa-Slicer 2.2.0 win64 after using slic3r for a couple years. I like all the new features it has it has but I am unable to find how to change fan speed and even turn the fan off during bridging, has this option been removed from this version of slicer or is it hidden somewhere.

Publié : 03/06/2020 12:31 am
Prominent Member
RE: Prusa-Slicer ver 2.2.0 Win64

Filament settings -> Cooling. Turn on Expert view to see those.

Publié : 03/06/2020 12:37 am
malcs4 a aimé
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