Prusa Badges and Rewards... What you want to know!
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Prusa Badges and Rewards... What you want to know!  

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Illustrious Member

I already uploaded 10 makes this month and I am waiting for the next to continue posting others.

There is no limit on the number of makes you can post.  The whole point of makes is to help designers by showing how well, or otherwise, their work reproduces.  It's the only sort of rudimentary quality control we have for published prints...

I must admit that whilst I have downloaded two or three parts per year I have never found one that justified posting a make, and since the recent deluge of untested designs I haven't been tempted to download anything. 



Postato : 29/12/2021 4:37 pm
Active Member
RE: Prusa Badges and Rewards... What you want to know!

hi,  question 1  how do i change  draft into published

       question 2 how do i EDIT a file to add or alter info

       question  3 where do i view the video i uploaded in descripton


Postato : 29/12/2021 5:33 pm
Matt Boyer
Estimable Member
RE: Prusa Badges and Rewards... What you want to know!


Posted by: @pjotrstrog

Makes get counted by calendar month right? I wonder how much an uptick we will see in makes at the start of the new year. 😉 

I already uploaded 10 makes this month and I am waiting for the next to continue posting others.

As far as I can tell, Makes reset every month but Prints do not.

"There are more ways how to get Prusameters and you don’t have to be a model designer. Every month, you can upload up to 10 Makes (photos of 3D printed models) and receive Prusameters for them. You can also receive a one-time reward for creating up to 3 new non-empty Collections or for uploading up to 10 new prints (existing Collections and prints do not count)."

That unfortunately doesn't promote new models being uploaded, only new Makes.  What they SHOULD do is change the rule so that only Prints with 10-12 downloads get the points.  They kind of do that now but you have to get 30 downloads in 30 days, which is rare with new models.

Postato : 29/12/2021 6:02 pm
Reputable Member

 It is a shame that Josef decided to go this route. After reading your post I am rethinking my decision to upload my models which were carefully designed from the paper up to work together as a complete system.They are easy to print for a novice, or modify by the experienced. I thought they would be useful during the pandemic(and beyond). Think building block approach to create your own finished product. There was a time(before *&^*( badges) when a uploaded print was still readily visible for a few days and not pushed into oblivion by dumps of smelly <>. 

Is there a place where good models can be uploaded and appreciated?

Quality is the Journey, not the Destination. My limited prints->

Postato : 29/12/2021 6:09 pm
Matt Boyer
Estimable Member
RE: Prusa Badges and Rewards... What you want to know!


Posted by: @shire

hi,  question 1  how do i change  draft into published

       question 2 how do i EDIT a file to add or alter info

       question  3 where do i view the video i uploaded in descripton


question 1  how do i change  draft into published  While you're editing the Print there is a slider at the top right where you can change from Draft to Publish

question 2 how do i EDIT a file to add or alter info  On the Print page there will be 3 vertical dots to the right of the Print Name.  Select EDIT.

question  3 where do i view the video i uploaded in descripton  After you publish the Print see Details page


Postato : 29/12/2021 6:16 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Prusa Badges and Rewards... What you want to know!

@Matt Boyer, at first I was confused about the amount of prints that get awarded but I understand the reasoning behind it. Limiting it to a total of 10 limits the amount of spam uploads. Awarding a print that reaches an amount of downloads could also be a solution. Even so, this could still amount to more spam.

Posted by: @diem

I already uploaded 10 makes this month and I am waiting for the next to continue posting others.

There is no limit on the number of makes you can post.  The whole point of makes is to help designers by showing how well, or otherwise, their work reproduces.  It's the only sort of rudimentary quality control we have for published prints...

I must admit that whilst I have downloaded two or three parts per year I have never found one that justified posting a make, and since the recent deluge of untested designs I haven't been tempted to download anything. 



There indeed is no limit to the amount of makes but you won’t be rewarded for the extra makes if you exceed 10. So I foresee people waiting to post those makes until the beginning of a new month when new prusameters can be earned.

Check my designs
Postato : 29/12/2021 6:16 pm
Active Member
RE: Prusa Badges and Rewards... What you want to know!

many thanks will try that

Postato : 29/12/2021 7:31 pm
Moderatore Moderator
RE: Prusa Badges and Rewards... What you want to know!


Posted by: @kennd

 It is a shame that Josef decided to go this route. After reading your post I am rethinking my decision to upload my models which were carefully designed from the paper up to work together as a complete system.They are easy to print for a novice, or modify by the experienced. I thought they would be useful during the pandemic(and beyond). Think building block approach to create your own finished product. There was a time(before *&^*( badges) when a uploaded print was still readily visible for a few days and not pushed into oblivion by dumps of smelly <>. 

Is there a place where good models can be uploaded and appreciated?

It's not just the rewards system that has made the Prints section so popular suddenly, it also that thingiverse has got major problems and a lot of their creators are coming over here to upload instead.  With 3D printing becoming more and more popular you are going to be hard pressed to find an upload site where the first page stays the same beyond a day in general.  If you models are that good they will be found by people looking for them and upvoted so people who sort by Top Rated will see them.

Postato : 29/12/2021 9:56 pm
PjotrStrog e shire hanno apprezzato
Active Member
RE: Prusa Badges and Rewards... What you want to know!

I seem to have got  the hang of loading posts/makes, but still not conviced, as to the worth/work of loading onto another site

will do few more  and see,reserve judgement?

Postato : 29/12/2021 10:29 pm
Illustrious Member

There indeed is no limit to the amount of makes but you won’t be rewarded for the extra makes if you exceed 10. So I foresee people waiting to post those makes until the beginning of a new month

But makes uploaded for reward are entirely worthless for the community.  Only makes beyond the first ten each month now have any inherent value.


Postato : 29/12/2021 11:42 pm
kennd hanno apprezzato
Estimable Member
RE: Prusa Badges and Rewards... What you want to know!

@diem You could also look at it the other way round.
People will only print the 10 most useful items for themselves and post a make of those.
Why waste filament on something you can't use AND get no Prusameters for ?


Having problems with bed adhesion every morning...

Postato : 30/12/2021 6:17 am
Gargs454 hanno apprezzato
Illustrious Member

People will only print the 10 most useful items for themselves and post a make of those.

Why stop at 10 if there are more?

Why waste filament on something you can't use

Absolutely stupid, I agree.  Also pointless posting makes that prove to be unsuitable or insufficiently tested designs.  In that case a constructive comment is more appropriate.


Postato : 30/12/2021 6:40 am
kennd hanno apprezzato
Eminent Member
RE: Prusa Badges and Rewards... What you want to know!

I wouldn't be opposed to having to fill a few mandatory variables (resolution, infill etc.) to be able to post a make. It would add to the usefulness of the make and it might make people put some thought in posting their make instead of just posting a pic.

As for the discussion at hand. I think we should give it a few months to see the initial upload peak settle down if we are to give judgement on the changes.

Posted by: @kennd

 It is a shame that Josef decided to go this route. After reading your post I am rethinking my decision to upload my models which were carefully designed from the paper up to work together as a complete system.They are easy to print for a novice, or modify by the experienced. I thought they would be useful during the pandemic(and beyond). Think building block approach to create your own finished product. There was a time(before *&^*( badges) when a uploaded print was still readily visible for a few days and not pushed into oblivion by dumps of smelly <>. 

Is there a place where good models can be uploaded and appreciated?

Prusa wants to increase the amount of visitors to this site. An upcoming prusaprinters name change will probably reflect that. I've seen multiple comments on Reddit mentioning that users thought prusaprinters was some propriatory site not open to non prusa owners. Whether there is a badge system or not, increasing the user numbers will still cause new prints to be kicked of the 'most recent' page more quickly. I'd rather see this site grow and build a repository that makes people want to come back.  Having a bigger community will increase the amount people that are potentially interested in your prints. Gatekeeping this site is not a good idea imho.

Would your designs have been appreciated in a pre-badge period? It's all speculation. But by not uploading your designs you will have reached no-one to begin with.

Check my designs
Postato : 30/12/2021 4:59 pm
Active Member
RE: Prusa Badges and Rewards... What you want to know!

Hey everyone,


so before i send an email to the support, I remembered a cool thing called "forum" 😀

I've just read about the reward system in my mail, which could make me be a bit more "invested" in the Prusa forum, just because i like stuff like this.

However, I don't have any "empty spool" icon nor does it mention the batch or anything.

Do i have to "enable" it somewhere? Because if so, this should be mentioned in the video.

Maybe im just blind and don't see it 🙂


Thankful for any hints/help

Postato : 02/01/2022 8:12 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Prusa Badges and Rewards... What you want to know!

However, I don't have any "empty spool" icon nor does it mention the batch or anything.

The reward system is for Prints section of the website, not the forum. Be sure you are logged in the Prints web site.

Mes modeles publics
Postato : 03/01/2022 7:05 am
burtronix e Flo1988 hanno apprezzato
Trusted Member
RE: Prusa Badges and Rewards... What you want to know!

Even with the utmost effort I struggle to find 10 models that once printed can be useful for something

1+1=10 - take a look at my disgusting and useless models

Postato : 03/01/2022 12:51 pm
Active Member
RE: Prusa Badges and Rewards... What you want to know!

I don't know how i didn't see this. Well now I do thanks a lot

Postato : 03/01/2022 1:18 pm
Active Member
RE: Prusa Badges and Rewards... What you want to know!

Hi, agree up to a point, but all my designs and prints have ben of use(to me) at the time of design and print, most will be of no use or interest to others.  

Remember that at the begining, it was known as rapid prototype, and enabled the designer to get a quick model to check for form,fit,erganomics, and design intent ,etc. to me that is still the case.


Postato : 03/01/2022 1:34 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Prusa Badges and Rewards... What you want to know!


Posted by: @matt-boyer


Posted by: @thejiral

One additional question. Is the 10 prints limit for rewards an absolute number or a monthly one? 

I'm hoping it's monthly, but it's not stated like it is for Makes.  So it could very likely be the max.  Either way you'll still get rewards for 30 downloads and so on.

I am not even remotely someone who can be defined as a designer, but I think it is much more intelligent that drawings are rewarded and not the prints of the drawings ..... I understand that this is a site of a printer manufacturer but the intellect is develop by drawing not printing 🙂

Postato : 03/01/2022 1:58 pm
Active Member
RE: Prusa Badges and Rewards... What you want to know!

As i said above the print is used to prove the design, It is very unlikely that further production will be by 3d printing, unless very small quantities. so yes rewards should be for proven design.

Postato : 03/01/2022 2:41 pm
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