Prusa Academy - 3D Modeling in Fusion 360
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Prusa Academy - 3D Modeling in Fusion 360  

Active Member
Prusa Academy - 3D Modeling in Fusion 360

Has anyone used the new Prusa Academy course 3D Modeling in Fusion 360 who is willing to provide any thoughts or feedback? 

The price is $23.99 USD and is only available in English; however, other languages are expected to be available by the end of May.  

The link for the course is:



Posted : 21/05/2023 3:22 pm
RE: Prusa Academy - 3D Modeling in Fusion 360

I'm currently taking that course, I'm only about 10 % complete so far.   But as a complete beginner to Fusion 360 I feel its a wonderful training class,  they teach you how the software works and how to use it with real examples.     Pretty damn good class so far!   I hope Prusa makes more classes / courses like this.

All the best.....

Posted : 24/05/2023 11:35 pm
Adayco liked
Noble Member
RE: Prusa Academy - 3D Modeling in Fusion 360

You can get that course for 180 Prusameters too:

It's not very different from what Joe already showed on his YT channel. But concentrated, beginner-friendly and easy to understand.

Posted : 25/05/2023 7:26 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Prusa Academy - 3D Modeling in Fusion 360

I only see the Design Principles course available with Prusameters (besides the Mini and Mk3S basics courses). The Design Principles course was actually a lot better than I expected. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 25/05/2023 7:36 pm
Adayco liked
Noble Member
RE: Prusa Academy - 3D Modeling in Fusion 360

Oh. Yeah, sorry. I wasn't aware that there was a new one. I mixed those up.

Posted : 25/05/2023 7:56 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa Academy - 3D Modeling in Fusion 360

Thanks for sharing your experience and observations Jetsurgeon.  I went ahead and took the plunge for this course and am taking my time with it.  I am currently about 20% along with it and I completely agree.  The pace is good, the information is easy to follow and is in a fairly "digestible" form for me.  You are encouraged not to try to remember everything offered as you go along, but the important bits are easy to pick up as they are reiterated as you progress in the modules.  Tinkercad rocks, but there are more and more things I would like to do that Fusion can do easier, repeatable and in parametric form.   The price is actually a few dollars less than our last fast food drive thru bill, so the price and return on the investment I feel is pretty good.

There was a YouTube series a few years back titled something like "Learn Fusion360 or Die Trying" that was pretty good, but this is much better.


Posted : 26/05/2023 1:32 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Prusa Academy - 3D Modeling in Fusion 360

YOu may also want to check out the videos by Lars Christensen on Youtube. They are a bit dated now but still perfectly pertinent. I very much enjoyed his style that was not in-your-face YouTube-ish.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 26/05/2023 5:48 pm
Adayco liked
Ernie Tech
Active Member
RE: Prusa Academy - 3D Modeling in Fusion 360

This is good. Generally the feeling is that the Fusion 360 course is worthwhile. I'm a old pro at AutoCAD but the workflow for Fusion 360 is challenging for me. Maybe it would be a shallower learning curve if I hadn't used AutoCAD for so many years. I'll spring for the Prusa course.

Be the Denisovan in the sea of Neanderthals

Posted : 30/05/2023 12:43 am
Adayco liked
Ernie Tech
Active Member
RE: Prusa Academy - 3D Modeling in Fusion 360

Hey Ashley, I hope you see this. I completed the F360 course. It was not trivial. Far from it. It took some work but I got through it and can honestly say I now have the confidence, and interest in using it regularly now instead of depending on Tinkercad. I would say it was very worthwhile.

Be the Denisovan in the sea of Neanderthals

Posted : 13/06/2023 2:56 am
Adayco liked
Tara Doridy
RE: Prusa Academy - 3D Modeling in Fusion 360

I haven't taken the course yet, but I really want to.

Posted : 14/06/2023 6:30 am
New Member
RE: Prusa Academy - 3D Modeling in Fusion 360

Following this topic as well. Wondering if the course would be worth it for a non-beginner somewhere around intermediate with Fusion 360? The description of the course sounds pretty introductory, but I'm assuming there will be many small things in there for people with some Fusion 360 experience?

Posted : 27/06/2023 2:02 pm
Illustrious Member

I just finished it. I use Fusion pretty much every day and know my way around it pretty well but I wouldn't consider myself "professional". I have mixed feelings about the course. Maybe not surprisingly, it moved a bit too quick for beginners while for advanced users it didn't go deep enough. They made a wise decision to cover the Design environment only. Basic commands are covered in reasonable depth. I liked that they weren't dogmatic about tool choices or design strategies as more often than not there's more than one reasonable way in Fusion to accomplish a goal. 

The course ends with some design examples, guiding the users through some complete model creations. There were a few things in here that I knew about but perhaps didn't appreciate enough before seeing them "in action".  For some reason most of the examples started with tracing photos of real objects,  not really where I start my designs. 

All in all, it's a reasonable product but I'm glad I didn't spend real money on it (I used Prusameters). I learned most of what I know about Fusion from the Lars Christensen YouTube videos, which may be a bit dated now but are still great. 

This post was modified 2 years ago 2 times by

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 01/07/2023 12:15 pm
New Member
RE: Prusa Academy - 3D Modeling in Fusion 360

Maybe you don't know it well as you think you do.

It's worth doing.  Especially as a beginner (which is who it is really aimed at). 

Obviously, always seek out additional information.  The youtube videos referenced aren't really THAT good and are dated.

Posted : 14/07/2023 12:19 am