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Printhead upgrades ?  

New Member
Printhead upgrades ?

 Good daytime,

I have a question, my time cost, cost a lot, I try to search from internet, from forum... and I spend maybe 8 hours, in money value it is 120 Eur...

I canˇt understand , how I can upgrade my MK1 printhead... because termistor is broken, filament is stack, and teflon injector is burned out..

Maybe it posssible, if I buy MK3 printhead and replace it... Or how I can resolve that problem...

Next way is throwing out that maschine, and buying some kind of newest, but never Prusa...

I hope some one can help with solution.. 

Best Answer by JoanTabb:

The Mk1 Prusa has an E3dV6 LITE extruder/hotend.  which has PTFE to the back of the nozzle. 
the Mk,2 Mk2S, Mk2.5, Mk2.5S, Mk3 and Mk3S all have the Full E3dV6 Full metal hotend with PTFE from the extruder drive gear, to the recess in the heatbreak
I believe the E3DV6 Lite is slightly shorter than the E3dV6 by about 4mm...

If you change the V6 Lite to the Full metal V6 you are likely to get cooling issues because the part cooling fan shroud will be directing air onto the heatblock

I am not aware of any revised fan shrouds but a Thingiverse  search may help!

regards Joan

This topic was modified 5 years ago by lafarge
Posted : 21/03/2020 6:30 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Printhead upgrades ?

2 hours.. I think we finished here... can close topic...

G2G... good luck guys..

Posted : 21/03/2020 8:37 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Printhead upgrades ?

The Mk1 Prusa has an E3dV6 LITE extruder/hotend.  which has PTFE to the back of the nozzle. 
the Mk,2 Mk2S, Mk2.5, Mk2.5S, Mk3 and Mk3S all have the Full E3dV6 Full metal hotend with PTFE from the extruder drive gear, to the recess in the heatbreak
I believe the E3DV6 Lite is slightly shorter than the E3dV6 by about 4mm...

If you change the V6 Lite to the Full metal V6 you are likely to get cooling issues because the part cooling fan shroud will be directing air onto the heatblock

I am not aware of any revised fan shrouds but a Thingiverse  search may help!

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 22/03/2020 5:19 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Printhead upgrades ?

 Thanks a lot.

Now I understood what I need. Iˇm sure that My printer have V3D6 LIte , and on that place what showed with arrow, I have filament jam, also that jam can be when printer printing 2-2.5 hours after start. So It means that I already have some problems with airflow cooling, thermistor 100k looks like burned out, today I will get 5 new thermistors, so I will try to resurrect that print head. I spend my time on that head because I need print already yesterday =). But I don`t know is there big difference in quality of printing between E3dV6 LITE extruder and E3dV6, because if yes... I need to stop loosing time and upgrade print head. With fixing , making some changes on printer mechanics or housing, some assembly upgrade not problem for me, electronics and programming that what hard for me. Thanks for drawings, now I understood cooling process of print head.

Posted : 23/03/2020 12:31 am