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Printables search is broken  

Printables search is broken

Printables claims to search in the "name, summary, description, or tags", but actually only searches the titles. This makes finding useful models difficult. For example, if you search for "foam dispenser" you'd expect to see this model included in the search results, but you don't. I reported this via the site feedback form a couple months ago but it hasn't been fixed, so just hoping someone from Prusa will notice this.


This topic was modified před 1 year by forsaken_candy
Napsal : 02/08/2023 8:09 pm
Noble Member
RE: Printables search is broken

The printables search is not that great, yes. I would recommend searching on Google image search with the addition of "". Suddenly you get decent search results.

Mk3s MMU2s, Voron 0.1, Voron 2.4

Napsal : 02/08/2023 9:12 pm