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Printables: Not able to save model  

Printables: Not able to save model

I made a simple change to the description of an existing model and get an error "Unable to use as remix parent due License policy".  The model origin is "Original model - I made it" and the license is "Creative Commons - Attribution - Non Commercial".  The error makes you believe this model is a remix, which it is not.  This is the way the model has been set up for over a year now.  

Any help would be appreciated.

Posted : 19/10/2023 2:51 pm
RE: Printables: Not able to save model

Kinda disappointing this topic has no replies, because I just hit the same issue. I remixed this print and it was fine at first, but then when I edited the description it told me there was an issue with the license (I forget the exact wording unfortunately, but it was at the top of the page). I set it back to draft so I could save my changes, but now every option in the license dropdown is greyed out and it tells me "This field cannot be blank." just under the license dropdown. The remixed model says that remix culture is allowed so this shouldn't be happening.

Posted : 04/01/2024 6:13 am
RE: Printables: Not able to save model

Turns out it was pretty simple, I had it set as being a remix of two different models with two different licenses (and both requiring the same license as the original).

Posted : 04/01/2024 2:43 pm