Print towers without moving extruder to reduce string
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Print towers without moving extruder to reduce string  

Active Member
Print towers without moving extruder to reduce string

Hi community,

Yesterday I was printing an object like the following with TPU (my first time using this material BTW,) and I found that there's a lot of strings between the towers. Is there a way to print so that the extruder will print tower A first from layer X, and then move on to print tower B from layer X?

For this particular print there's enough space for the extruder to print each tower independently, wonder if there's some magic we can make on the slicer or gcode. Settings for my TPU filament seem to be right, it's just too many strings with this print -- a lot of post processing. 


Prusa i3 MK3S / Prusa Slicer / PEI sheet / Texture sheet / Satin sheet / design using Tinkercad

Napsal : 12/07/2020 5:48 am
New Member
RE: Print towers without moving extruder to reduce string

hello, yes there is

Napsal : 13/07/2020 1:13 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Print towers without moving extruder to reduce string


That wont work as both 'towers' are part of the same object.  As far as I'm aware there is nothing that can be set within the slicer to allow what the OP wants to do.  
Even a post processing script would be difficult as it would need to separate out the 2 sets of instructions once it gets above the common lower layers pictured.  

Napsal : 13/07/2020 2:06 pm
New Member
RE: Print towers without moving extruder to reduce string

ohhhh, i see,

so, the two blue cilinders and the yellow rectangule are all just one part, in that case it will no wor,


can´t you split them ?

Napsal : 13/07/2020 2:29 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Print towers without moving extruder to reduce string

Not my model so I cant say if that would work for the OP but looking at the 'tinkercad ? model I'd say not as there's a definite connecting piece.

Napsal : 13/07/2020 2:45 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Print towers without moving extruder to reduce string

Thanks guys so much for replying and sorry for my late reply! 🙂

Yes, as @neophyl guessed, this is one connected object and I can't separate them because this object need to have low profile and be bent frequently (thus printing with TPU.) Each tower has a hole facing center, so I don't have room to fit a snap / socket to connect the base and towers. I updated object illustration below. 

There are too many strings for my clumsily fingers. I'm still looking for printing solutions, at same time finding easier post processing method. For post processing, I'm thinking to get a very sharp knife, or use a heat gun. The heat gun option is very risky because the shell of the tower is about 2.5mm thin, I could easily make it deform. 

BTW, I tried baking at 200℃ it, the towers just fell off. 😀

Prusa i3 MK3S / Prusa Slicer / PEI sheet / Texture sheet / Satin sheet / design using Tinkercad

Napsal : 15/07/2020 8:57 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Print towers without moving extruder to reduce string

Do you have a picture of one of the printed pieces so we can see the stringing ?  Might give someone some idea(s).  

Is this object part of some form of hinge on a larger design ?  

Napsal : 15/07/2020 9:10 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Print towers without moving extruder to reduce string

Okay I'll print again and upload a picture later (forgot to take a picture before.) 

The object is a finger shield to prevent direct contact as COVID-19 protection, I added pictures from original design below -- I'm just trying to print this guy's design. 🙂

Prusa i3 MK3S / Prusa Slicer / PEI sheet / Texture sheet / Satin sheet / design using Tinkercad

Napsal : 15/07/2020 9:44 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Print towers without moving extruder to reduce string

Added pictures of printed pieces. Still a bit scary to post process...

Prusa i3 MK3S / Prusa Slicer / PEI sheet / Texture sheet / Satin sheet / design using Tinkercad

Napsal : 16/07/2020 9:16 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Print towers without moving extruder to reduce string

I'd use a set of sharp side cutters to remove most of it, basically the same type of tool used to trim filament.  I'd also at least try a very quick pass with a blue torch flame to at least see if that helps.  If you are quick it doesnt effect even thin parts.  Timing is everything though 🙂

Napsal : 16/07/2020 10:59 am
Tentama se líbí
Active Member
Print towers without moving extruder to reduce string

I have the same question as Tentama. I used Simplify 3D before I got my MK3S+, and it allowed exactly what he is requesting. This feature was extremely helpful in removing stringing with PETG and TPU, and I am disappointed that PrusaSlicer doesn't have it.

How do I request this feature? Is there a forum section for feature requests, or do I post it on Github?

Napsal : 30/10/2021 6:38 am
Illustrious Member

Requests should be made on the github project.  

Napsal : 30/10/2021 10:00 am