Please help, we experience much trouble to print big parts
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Please help, we experience much trouble to print big parts  

New Member
Please help, we experience much trouble to print big parts


First of all, receive our greetings for the beginning of 2020, wishing you many successes and all the best.

Unfortunately we have been experiencing many problems with our large volume parts (see attached pictures).

We have already tried with different printing configurations and even with different slicer in addition to the PrusaSlicer (Cura, for example).

The main problem after several hours of work (the printing times for this pieces are around 40 hours) is the displacement or offset of the impression (see attached figures).

This parts has been tried to print both in PLA and ABS with the same problems. The temperature in the work environment is well controlled and with negligible changes. We have been using the printer generally with SD Card but even did a test from a PC with the Pronterface software.

I am attaching stl file of the pieces in question. Please, we want you to help us finally know what is happening with this matter. Is it hardware or software, or are we doing something wrong. We had not experienced these problems before with smaller pieces and some of similar dimensions.

My boss has suggested me to ask you to please print the piece and send us video or photos and the appropriate recommendations to solve this problem.


Note:  The Firmware  Prusa3d/MK3  3.8.1-2869


Opublikowany : 09/01/2020 4:31 pm
New Member
RE: Please help, we experience much trouble to print big parts



So where is the file??

Opublikowany : 13/01/2020 9:24 am