RE: New PrusaPrinters - The best 3D model database and community!
I do not fully understand the rating system. I see many "prints" rated only with 5 stars reviews from users but the average rating below the print's title is always lower. Why??? This is not fair.
RE: New PrusaPrinters - The best 3D model database and community!
For more complicated builds it would be really great if one could upload instructions as PDF file. It is somehow strange that one has to put a link to a third party hosting site for that.
Or the instructions don't exist at all for some builds that aren't obvious how they go together just from the STL's.
Whatever you find to do with your hands, do with all your might!
RE: New PrusaPrinters - The best 3D model database and community!
I do not fully understand the rating system. I see many "prints" rated only with 5 stars reviews from users but the average rating below the print's title is always lower. Why??? This is not fair.
By default every print with at least 1 rating gets a couple Three-Star ratings added on in the background. Then every Five-Star rating that gets added bumps your average star rating up by a small amount. It's done so that someone with 27 Five-Stars and 1 Four-Star is rated higher than someone with just 2 Five-Stars.
RE: New PrusaPrinters - The best 3D model database and community!
Hello, I can see a "3D" button in my prints but it's disabled. How can I enable it so people can see a 3D view of my models???
RE: New PrusaPrinters - The best 3D model database and community!
Hello, I can see a "3D" button in my prints but it's disabled. How can I enable it so people can see a 3D view of my models???
It's not a button. It indicates you've uploaded a 3D file for that part. If you would've uploaded the gcode it would have also had an FFF next to 3D.
People can see your 3D model by downloading your part file.
RE: New PrusaPrinters - The best 3D model database and community!
Hello, I can see a "3D" button in my prints but it's disabled. How can I enable it so people can see a 3D view of my models???
It's not a button. It indicates you've uploaded a 3D file for that part. If you would've uploaded the gcode it would have also had an FFF next to 3D.
People can see your 3D model by downloading your part file.
Oh ok, I thought it was a 3D file viewer like thingiverse.
Thank you!
RE: New PrusaPrinters - The best 3D model database and community!
We will add a hover explanation.
As @smoking_rubber explains, it's not just an average. If it was, a print with a single 5-star rating would be above a print with 10 000 ratings and an average of 4.9.
It takes into account other things, mainly the number of ratings. This is really only a bit weird when a print has just 1-2 ratings, there the penalization is quite high and noticeable. With more ratings, it's effect becomes negligible.
RE: New PrusaPrinters - The best 3D model database and community!
Ok, I understand how it works but a good print with only few ratings is going to look like a bad print (considering ratings). There are cases, a design concerns a small number of users. This design will never have enough downloads to increase the average rating. The quantity of the downloads doesn't necessarily do justice of the quality of a design. I still think, it is unfair.
RE: New PrusaPrinters - The best 3D model database and community!
Something i have been missing from Thingiverse and most other 3d printing sites is printer size requirements for a model. It would be very useful to at least get a general size of each model so you know if it is worth downloading. For those of us that have a small printer like the MINI it would save time (and even heartbreak sometimes) to know before downloading if the model will fit or not. Adding a size filter to the site so it only shows models that would fit my printer would be an awesome addition to this concept.
I know this is not a trivial thing to do, it can be really hard to determine if a model will fit onto a build plate if one allow for rotation of objects. But just the dimensions of all model files would be great.
RE: New PrusaPrinters - The best 3D model database and community!
Good suggestion. The person posting the model would need to provide that info, as I don't think it can easily be extracted from the STL.
A possible work around for you is to scale the model down in your slicer until it fits the bed. That only works if you don't need the features of the model to remain at scale. Or you could split the model into multiple prints.
Whatever you find to do with your hands, do with all your might!
RE: New PrusaPrinters - The best 3D model database and community!
Funny but I'd be thinking the same thing, great idea, hope it can be implemented. Another useful feature would be some form of 'report' option for prints that appear to be infringing copyright.
RE: New PrusaPrinters - The best 3D model database and community!
MyMiniFactory has fields for that in the tech part for the object
It's a wallmount for KAD for my worklight.
Prusa Mini+ kit. BondTech extruder. FW 5.1.2
Prusa MK3S+ kit. Stock. FW 3.11.0
Prusa MK3S+, used. Stock. FW 3.13.3
RE: New PrusaPrinters - The best 3D model database and community!
A big thanks for PrusaPrinters, it's a really nice site and I hope it will grow into a great alternative for Thingiverse. My initial impression when first landing on the site was: what a breath of fresh air.
There are a few usability issues I've run into though:
- Links on the internet should not include the language (e.g. /de/) in the url (or at least cause it to change), this changes my language which is set to English, just by clicking a link, then this setting is saved until I change it back. A better place to store language could be user account/cookie/local storage.
- Cookies / session storage should not be used for login redirect, I keep multiple tabs open and every time my browser decides to log me out, all my PrusaPrinters tabs are redirected to one and the same page, I often lose things I keep open and want to remember for later. A better place for login redirect is the URL because it will work across tabs, page reloads and closing / reopening the browser (with restored tabs).
- When browsing prints through multiple pages (infinite scrolling), if I click a print and then return via back-button, the previous position (i.e. print in focus) is not restored, it's easy to lose the place where you were. It's not entirely bad since you at least land on the same page as before, but you also can't scroll back up and you can't return to a previous page. This usually forces me to open prints in new tabs and I end up with even more tabs. 😆
- Collections are limited to 10, would be nice to be able to create any number of collections to help with organizing cool stuff we find on the site.
These are most of the annoyances I've run into while hanging out on the site, I hope you can take them under consideration. Keep up the good work!
RE: New PrusaPrinters - The best 3D model database and community!
Thanks for the feedback! And glad to hear you like it 🙂
1) and 2) are basically bugs, we thought we already fixed 1), but it looks like it's back. We'll try to fix those soon!
3) The pages should take you back more or less to the same spot. It's not ideal, so maybe we'll revisit this in the future. But there are so many things on the to-do list, we try to not overengineer and get stuck on the not critical things like this.
4) This is currently mostly UI/UX limitation, I think we'll enable more in the future
RE: New PrusaPrinters - The best 3D model database and community!
Thanks for the response, it is encouraging to hear. I totally understand your stance on 3), I don't think it needs to be a priority either.
RE: New PrusaPrinters - The best 3D model database and community!
Looks interesting
RE: New PrusaPrinters - The best 3D model database and community!
Yes I really like this model thanks fro sharing
RE: New PrusaPrinters - The best 3D model database and community!
It would be very helpful if there was a user guide to uploading prints. For example, when entering a description of a print I found that putting in a list with hyphens like this:
- one
- two
Displays as a bulleted list. If I do it a second time it displays in a smaller font. If there is a way to do a numbered list I have not found it. If there are formatting rules I would like to know what they are.
Where should bugs be reported? Sometimes I enter text, do a Save Draft, and then Close; when I re-open to edit I find the text was not saved. Very annoying.
Is there a formal process for submitting suggested improvements? It would be very nice to see a list of suggested improvements, their status (in progress, maybe later, never gonna happen, etc.).
RE: New PrusaPrinters - The best 3D model database and community!
Quick suggestion regarding the comment section for models: [Enter] should be breakline rather than send.
At the very least, there should be an option for us to choose.
XL-5T, MK3S MMU3 || GUIDE: How to print with multiple-nozzlesizes do read updated replies || PrusaSlicer Fork || Other advanced slicer tactics || TPU
RE: New PrusaPrinters - The best 3D model database and community!
Shift + Enter 😉
(by the way, this will work in nearly every app on the planet, it creates a new line, but not new paragraph)