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New order
Where can i pay for my order, there is no option to pay for it, it only says "Waiting for payment"
Napsal : 27/11/2020 2:09 am
RE: New order
I also have this problem. Delays with the website meant that the payment step was skipped for me. I think I pushed the proceed button twice.
Napsal : 27/11/2020 7:42 am
RE: New order
When you go to the shop.prusa site after a few seconds there should appear a small "chat now" link bottom right. Use that to talk to one of the support staff about your problem. Be aware though that sometime stuff running on your pc can block that (filtering etc)
Napsal : 27/11/2020 9:07 am
RE: New order
I made a new order successfully so I will cancel the first one.
Napsal : 27/11/2020 9:41 am