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Model deleted by Admin?  

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Illustrious Member

After reading up on this a bit, I'm understanding you can say something like "Cup holder compatible with Honda Civic" or "Cup holder fits Honda Civic", but you can't say "Honda cup holder" as that implies it's a Honda product. That puts Honda in a bit of a pickle as they must actively protect their trademarks or lose the right to use it exclusively. 

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Veröffentlicht : 07/04/2022 3:57 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Model deleted by Admin?

That is true—as long as your design doesn't feature an image or logo trademarked by the company.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Veröffentlicht : 07/04/2022 11:13 am
bobstro gefällt das
Reputable Member
RE: Model deleted by Admin?

In the past I have owned several Honda products. I was considering the purchase of both a new Honda ATV and a new Honda snow blower this year.  I think I will reconsider this based upon their actions here.
Veröffentlicht : 07/04/2022 8:57 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Model deleted by Admin?
Posted by: @netpackrat

In the past I have owned several Honda products. I was considering the purchase of both a new Honda ATV and a new Honda snow blower this year.  I think I will reconsider this based upon their actions here.

You're going to have very limited options then. Any company with a trademark must defend it if they want to continue to have exclusive rights to the trademark. Sure, it seems overbearing sometimes, but in practical terms, they have no choice.


My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Veröffentlicht : 07/04/2022 9:11 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Model deleted by Admin?


Posted by: @bobstro
Posted by: @netpackrat

In the past I have owned several Honda products. I was considering the purchase of both a new Honda ATV and a new Honda snow blower this year.  I think I will reconsider this based upon their actions here.

You're going to have very limited options then. Any company with a trademark must defend it if they want to continue to have exclusive rights to the trademark. Sure, it seems overbearing sometimes, but in practical terms, they have no choice.



That's very true, but there's also a difference between defending one's trademark/IP, and having your lawyers send a blanket takedown demand for anything that might mention your trademark, including instances falling under fair use.  Large corporations like Honda get away with the latter because of the high cost of fighting them in court, and because of the low perceived market cost of that behavior.

As a general rule, taking a stand against anything in life tends to limit one's options.  I don't typically go out of my way to look for reasons not to do business with a company, but if I become aware of something like this, it will often as not influence my choices.  I may not buy any ATV this year anyway, but my snowblower is definitely going to need replacement before next winter, and I was for sure going to buy a Honda.  Honda probably doesn't care but there are plenty of others I can choose from and it costs me only a few minutes of time to send Honda a letter or email explaining why I bought what I did instead of their product.
Veröffentlicht : 07/04/2022 9:57 pm
Eds_3D_Odyssey, Dejf und cmh gefällt das
Phil FX
Eminent Member
RE: Model deleted by Admin?

I’m guessing I may be one of the few people that remember this but way back in the late 70’s or early 80’s Apple was working on one of their derivative AppleII computers and internally the code name for the project was Carl Sagan because the computer was the AppleII CS.   The reference to Sagan was just internal to the company and never used in any literature.  Well, Carl got wind of this and sued Apple to stop this…….the project promptly renamed the project “Butthole Astronomer” and there was nothing Carl could do about that.  I would suggest us makers follow that example and reintroduce the parts as for a “Butthole Car Company”

Veröffentlicht : 13/04/2022 8:20 pm
Dejf, Stefan, Netpackrat und 1 weiteren Personen gefällt das
Eminent Member

I had a model with "Let's Go Brandon" in it, and that was deleted, not just from the pranks contest, but from Printables.

I guess there is a speech code. Gee, I wonder if they have a bias? Do speech code enforcers seem to have a bias in 2022? Does the opportunity to be a petty tyrant attract certain types of people to be mods/admins? After all, why engage in a conversation that makes you look bad when you can just ban/block/silence?

Diese r Beitrag wurde geändert Vor 3 years von martinkh
Veröffentlicht : 13/04/2022 8:45 pm
Dejf und Netpackrat gefällt das
Illustrious Member
RE: Model deleted by Admin?
Posted by: @martinkh

I had a model with "Let's Go Brandon" in it, and that was deleted, not just from the pranks contest, but from Printables.

I guess there is a speech code. Gee, I wonder if they have a bias? Do speech code enforcers seem to have a bias in 2022? Does the opportunity to be a petty tyrant attract certain types of people to be mods/admins? After all, why engage in a conversation that makes you look bad when you can just ban/block/silence?

You could always try a "TUCK FRUMP" version.


My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Veröffentlicht : 13/04/2022 9:19 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Model deleted by Admin?

Everyone has a choice when confronted by bullies.

Veröffentlicht : 14/04/2022 1:57 am
Dejf gefällt das
Eminent Member
RE: Model deleted by Admin?


Posted by: @bobstro

You could always try a "TUCK FRUMP" version.


There are some anti-Trump and Trump/Putin memes. Moderator types tend to be those who enjoy petty power. Not all, but some.

Veröffentlicht : 14/04/2022 1:59 am
Netpackrat gefällt das
Illustrious Member
RE: Model deleted by Admin?
Posted by: @martinkh

 [...] There are some anti-Trump and Trump/Putin memes. Moderator types tend to be those who enjoy petty power. Not all, but some.

Do they use coded language for profanity? It might be a family values thing.


My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Veröffentlicht : 14/04/2022 4:45 am
New Member
RE: Model deleted by Admin?

Don't feel bad.

They deleted my "COVID is a Hoax" thing within minutes of posting it.

Like it never even saw the light of day.

Welcome to 1984

Veröffentlicht : 14/04/2022 11:04 pm
Dejf gefällt das
Illustrious Member
RE: Model deleted by Admin?


My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Veröffentlicht : 14/04/2022 11:54 pm
Swiss_Cheese gefällt das
Reputable Member
RE: Model deleted by Admin?


Posted by: @makeitmakeitmakeit

Don't feel bad.

They deleted my "COVID is a Hoax" thing within minutes of posting it.

Like it never even saw the light of day.

Welcome to 1984


It killed one of my uncles and a lady where I work, seems real enough to me.  Either way, censorship sucks and so do the people on both sides who insisted on turning a disease into a political issue.
Veröffentlicht : 15/04/2022 4:54 am
Honorable Member
RE: Model deleted by Admin?

Try with "Earth is flat".


I try to give answers to the best of my ability, but I am not a 3D printing pro by any means, and anything you do you do at your own risk. BTW: I have no food for…

Veröffentlicht : 15/04/2022 9:08 am
bobstro gefällt das
Same Old Shane
Mitglied Admin
RE: Model deleted by Admin?

Hello all;

Now if I can point out a bit of a difference between these 2 situations. Honda issued us a take down claim for their brand. If we agree with it or not, we honored the request and we can understand that other people do not like that choice, but it was something that we had to do. It was recently covered on The Drive

Honda Orders Big Takedown of Honda-Related 3D Printing Models From Maker Communities (

In regards to the second example of “Lets go Brandon”, that is a completely separate and different case. Several designs were pulled because of a high number of instances them being reported.

Those models ( ) fell under the User Content Section 5, “The Operator may, however, inspect the User Content at any time. The Operator also reserves the right to remove any User Content from the Services or render it unavailable at any time without prior notice.

There was a large number of reports against it and it was decided to pull the models. Granted, this can be a decision that does satisfy everyone, but it was a choice that was made in response to a large number of the community members had issues with it. There have been other designs in the past that were of a completely different subject that was pulled as well.

It is not a personal crusade against anyone, bullying or any sort of political agenda. That's it in a nutshell. 

Shane (AKA FromPrusa)

Veröffentlicht : 15/04/2022 10:03 am
jsw und bobstro gefällt das
Reputable Member
RE: Model deleted by Admin?

So basically, report anything you don't like, and get all your friends to report anything you don't like.  Fair enough.
Veröffentlicht : 15/04/2022 11:17 am
Dejf und gefällt das
Same Old Shane
Mitglied Admin

Generally speaking, not directed at anyone, but just a reminder to please stick to the topic of the thread. 

Shane (AKA FromPrusa)

Veröffentlicht : 15/04/2022 1:08 pm
Antonio und bobstro gefällt das
New Member
RE: Model deleted by Admin?

To the Admin who deleted my 2 previous posts: thanks for nothing. Censorship is in full swing here, yes?

Veröffentlicht : 15/04/2022 2:50 pm
Dejf gefällt das
Same Old Shane
Mitglied Admin
RE: Model deleted by Admin?

That would be me, and you are welcome. For you it would be under the Terms of service, "User content" section 3. If you would like to debate world or local news, a 3d printing forum probably isn't the best place. Your 2 posts were removed because they were against the terms of service. Afterwards I did make a general statement asking to please keep on topic. 

Shane (AKA FromPrusa)

Veröffentlicht : 16/04/2022 11:19 am
serialc, bobstro, JustMe3D und 1 weiteren Personen gefällt das
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