mmu2 Wipe tower with excessive material
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mmu2 Wipe tower with excessive material  

Active Member
mmu2 Wipe tower with excessive material

Hi guys,

I come here again in search of help. I upgraded my MK3S with the MMU2 unit and have been running test prints without much success.

The main problem I'm facing right now is that the wipe tower gets too much material built up that at some point the material won't come out of the extruder.

Also, I noticed that the printing time increases to a ridiculous amount of time. Say I am printing a test model that is 5x25x10 mm, with one material this print is ready in less than 30 minutes, but with the MMU2 the printing time goes up to 8.5 hours. In an attempt to make things faster, I reduced the wipe volume from 70 to 10 getting a smaller wipe tower, yet not much reduction in the printing time.

Which parameters can i modify in order to get

1. The right amount of material coming out of the nozzle after a filament switch

2. Decrease the printing time

Dieses Thema wurde geändert Vor 5 years von BlazeR
Veröffentlicht : 15/10/2019 8:29 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: mmu2 Wipe tower with excessive material

it all depends upon what you are printing and how you are printing it...

the item above is approximately 3mm thick if I print it this way up, it will take a little longer to print than if I print it upside down, and the surface finish will be less regular than if printed text side down, because the  text and border are only 1mm thick 
so if the text side is down, the surface finish will be either smooth, due tot he PEI sticker, or textured because of the powder coat, but there will not be gaps in the letters because the first layer squishes together... and the waste tower will stop forming at 1mm when all of the colour changes have taken place

if printed text side up, there will be more waste filament and consequently more wasted time, because the first two mm of the waste tower will need to be printed in order to support the colourchange waste in the third milimeter...   the lettering surface would be as good as the extruder could make it, but there may be tiny gaps in the filament traces...

If you chose to try and print the label on the 3mm edge (Which is daft because of the need for masses of supports) then the print time would be massive because of the sheer number of colour changes

every second layer would have purple to blue  or blue to purple change  And the waste pile would be almost solid and much taller

most of my colour work, is labelling of one sort or another and it's usually done with the lettering facing the build plate to minimise waste,

regards Joan

every layer with lettering would have additional colour changes to include the black

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Veröffentlicht : 15/10/2019 9:17 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: mmu2 Wipe tower with excessive material

Thank you @joantabb!

Do you know whether there is a way to control de wipe tower printing speed? My problem is not because of the shape of what I'm printing but the wipe tower nozzle speed


Veröffentlicht : 16/10/2019 4:01 am
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: mmu2 Wipe tower with excessive material

Sorry, No I dont know how to slow down wipe tower printing

have you calibrated your feed tube length properly? 

Do you have the correct firmware loaded on the printer and MMU2?

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Veröffentlicht : 16/10/2019 7:52 am