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MMU2 and gcode from prusaprinters  

New Member
MMU2 and gcode from prusaprinters

I just added the MMU2 to my MK3S and I have a question. Can I still use gcode that was uploaded to prusaprinter? Or do I need to reslice it since I have the MMU? I want to print the LACK enclosure parts, but I was not sure if I needed to reslice them or not.

Napsal : 30/11/2020 6:43 am
Noble Member
RE: MMU2 and gcode from prusaprinters

You should always reslice the models.

But you can still execute MK3(S) gcode on an MMU system by using "Load to nozzle" first and then "Print from SD".

Just do not forget to unload the filament afterwards.

Napsal : 30/11/2020 7:10 am