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Re: MK3S / MK4 Wishlist

Have seen the ultimaker print with PVA support material and the 3d model became incredibly nice.

Veröffentlicht : 13/01/2019 9:20 am
Reputable Member
Re: MK3S / MK4 Wishlist

Dual extruder? You already have multicolor (5 colors) option! If you mean two side-by-side instead of one there was written a lot about bad side of this config: smaller print size, hard to calibrate two nozzles exactly correct, filament sometimes burns in non-used nozzle...

Veröffentlicht : 13/01/2019 5:31 pm
Noble Member
Re: MK3S / MK4 Wishlist

Dual extruder? You already have multicolor (5 colors) option! If you mean two side-by-side instead of one there was written a lot about bad side of this config: smaller print size, hard to calibrate two nozzles exactly correct, filament sometimes burns in non-used nozzle...

You know, everything what we don't have is always working better and perfect 😉

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Veröffentlicht : 13/01/2019 6:06 pm
New Member
Re: MK3S / MK4 Wishlist

Hi this is Lucas From Argentina.

I think prusa should concentrate on achieving best product/price ratio, since current competition became very strong. For example i was looking to buy a prusa for 2 years, but finally i bought an ender 3 and i can get incredible prints for 189 dollars. Now i have more experience and want to progress a little and i am looking to buy a bigger print and to get consistency prints with automatic level, etc etc etc. I mean usefull electronics.
Prusa should see where the competence has arrived and take actions. Personally increasing cost with gimmicky (touchs screan etc etc etc) is a mistake. Prusa should look for example to increase build volume to compete with creality cr10 s pro otherwise theres a sector where prusa does not offer a product. And increasing build volume should not necessarily mean an increase in cost. I read before its not necesary to offer an enclosure because everyone can make it at home, its not necesary a touch screen because we can install octopi (maybe prusa could make things easier and do a tutorial like add an octopi or some apps to make a difference).

Regards from Argentina.

Veröffentlicht : 18/01/2019 3:11 pm
Re: MK3S / MK4 Wishlist

+1000 on large printer.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Veröffentlicht : 18/01/2019 4:29 pm
Noble Member
Re: MK3S / MK4 Wishlist

... Personally increasing cost with gimmicky (touchs screan etc etc etc) is a mistake ...

I'm just thinking what if all that gimmicks would be available as addons? You want touch screen? No problem + $70. You want configured Rpi? No problem + $50. You want it cased? No problem +$200. This way PR could still offer a lower price printer and if somebody want to have gimmicks, no problem +$$$ in the basket.

Bigger printer would be definitely nice but I see a big price tag if PR would offer such a printer. Let's assume PR printers would cost x3 like Creality printers. CR10 S3 size PR printer would cost around $1500, S5 size around $2000. That's a complete different price region. Personally I wouldn't spent so much money only for a bigger size especially because I don't have many use cases for such a print volume.

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Veröffentlicht : 18/01/2019 5:58 pm
Estimable Member
Re: MK3S / MK4 Wishlist

You'd have to be pretty myopic to not see the value of a larger volume. Even if you do nothing but small parts, the use case is "a large batch of small parts". Duh.

The worse problem is not everything scales cleanly, so basically you might just barely get away with sloppy practices on a smaller printer, but when you try to scale up you won't get anywhere near the same results.

So you can't say, "Just make me one, but bigger" without at least first addressing the existing sloppy practices. And if you can't even admit to sloppy practices in the first place, well, good luck with that.

I haven't read all 23 pages, but my vote is to address the glaring safety issues.

I'm routinely asked about 3d printer recommendations, and I routinely have to disappoint the person asking.

I can't in good conscience recommend any of these amateur-grade printers until they start putting in better safety features. I know some (most) of you freely (flippantly) make recommendations with no compunctions, but I can't do that.

Veröffentlicht : 18/01/2019 6:52 pm
Noble Member
Re: MK3S / MK4 Wishlist

You'd have to be pretty myopic to not see the value of a larger volume. Even if you do nothing but small parts, the use case is "a large batch of small parts". Duh.

Believe it or not. I'm very seduced to by a CR10 S4/S5 but every time I think about it this three items are holding me up:
-> I have a very view parts which I can think of printing in real big.
-> Bigger printer means need more space for this monster
-> Printing big or more means printing longer. Means printing over night, means higher risk to fail if only one part is failing. I usually print less items even on my current Prusa machines.

I can't in good conscience recommend any of these amateur-grade printers until they start putting in better safety features. I know some (most) of you freely (flippantly) make recommendations with no compunctions, but I can't do that.

Just of curiosity: what kind of safety features do you miss? My additional safety features were to bring the printer in the closed box, add filters/route fumes to outside and add smoke/fire detector in this box.

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Veröffentlicht : 18/01/2019 7:49 pm
New Member
Re: MK3S / MK4 Wishlist

Hello, I am new here. I am looking for buying 3D printer for my project called Polish Combination Lock. There is my page you can download STL files for print my unique lock mechanism inside padlock. Great fun guarantee.

Now I started to think about Prusa MK3 printer to buy it in order to print my prototypes at home. Do you think it will handle fine my project? Is it right printer for this task?

According to wish list for next MK4 printer I would like to change the position of filament spool. When it is on top (we add mass at top of frame) the shaking is much more visible. It will be much better to have it on side in my opinion.

I wish all of you all the best with 3D printing,

best regards
Polish Locks

Veröffentlicht : 22/01/2019 1:10 pm
Noble Member
Re: MK3S / MK4 Wishlist

Hello, I am new here. I am looking for buying 3D printer for my project called Polish Combination Lock. There is my page you can download STL files for print my unique lock mechanism inside padlock. Great fun guarantee.

Now I started to think about Prusa MK3 printer to buy it in order to print my prototypes at home. Do you think it will handle fine my project? Is it right printer for this task?

According to wish list for next MK4 printer I would like to change the position of filament spool. When it is on top (we add mass at top of frame) the shaking is much more visible. It will be much better to have it on side in my opinion.

I wish all of you all the best with 3D printing,

Without detailed information about the requirements to the printed part, it's hard to tell. If you print tiny/small parts, then maybe SLA printer would be a better choice for you.
On MK3 the spool position is not fixed. It's a removable holder and you can place your spool wherever you want.

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Veröffentlicht : 22/01/2019 6:41 pm
New Member
Re: MK3S / MK4 Wishlist

Well all my models were printed on HBOT 3D F300 and Formiga P100. Now I am looking for my own 3D printer to print them at home. Therefore I asked people to try to print it on various printers to check their capabilities. I will upload this to Thingiverse today and it could be nice test model for all printers on the market. If you can print it out , assembly and it will operate normally it means your printer is fine and accurate. HBOT 3D F300 is professional FDM printer and Formiga P100 is SLS (different technology and quality).

Veröffentlicht : 23/01/2019 6:23 am
New Member
Re: MK3S / MK4 Wishlist

Just for your info, I uploaded my locks to as samples for anyone to print and test printer capabilities. I wonder what printer will be able to manage it. Many people started to download those models so will be soon clear what to buy 😉 I hope.

Veröffentlicht : 23/01/2019 10:58 pm
Noble Member
Re: MK3S / MK4 Wishlist

Just for your info, I uploaded my locks to as samples for anyone to print and test printer capabilities. I wonder what printer will be able to manage it. Many people started to download those models so will be soon clear what to buy 😉 I hope.

Would you mind to link it here?

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Going small with MMU2
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Veröffentlicht : 23/01/2019 11:20 pm
New Member
Eminent Member
Re: MK3S / MK4 Wishlist

My top wishes:

  • filament diameter sensor with automatic flow rate adjustment
  • more consistent results, especially regarding mechanical properties of the print

  • 500 °C as an easy upgrade option
  • as far as I understand it is besides the temp-sensor problematic, above 400°c it is mainly a firmware issue
    -> there are quite a lot of interesting materials that print above 300°C

  • make it easier to change, upgrade and repair everything
  • for example adding connectors on the extruder
    - changing anything electronically on the extruder takes a lot of effort:
    disassembling and reassembling part of the extruder, the cable tree,
    the mainboard/housing and when you are a bit unlucky breaking something else in the process

  • quiet part cooling fan
  • Not top, but would be nice never the less:

  • easy detachable/re-attachable power supply and/or mainboard (maybe with a V-mount or a clip-holder)
  • to make it easy to put it into a heated camber without risking to cook electronic

  • better part cooling -> overhangs at the backside are not as good as in the front
  • more rigid frame -> less vibrations overall
  • better view onto the nozzle while printing
  • Software:

  • timeout for preheating, to prevent cooking the filament in the nozzle overnight after a filament change
  • superquiet mode - getting rid of the 10% movements that make a relevant noise (besides the fan); for me it would be ok when the print takes 50% more time in this mode
  • Veröffentlicht : 24/01/2019 7:36 pm
    Eminent Member
    Re: MK3S / MK4 Wishlist

    I did a bit more thinking:

    Less things should stick out on the sides and on the back, meaning:

    from here:

    from here:

    With that in mind it should be possible to increase the build-platte to 30cm x 23cm with the same footprint in the shelf.

    I would even prefer a bit bigger outside dimensions to get a build area with 35cm x 25cm,
    but it should still be able to fit into the IKEA-Lack enclosure

    Veröffentlicht : 27/01/2019 11:21 am
    Eminent Member
    Re: MK3S / MK4 Wishlist

    I"m not going to read through 24 pages of comments, I just wanted to state that it should have an Adjustable volume for beeps.

    Veröffentlicht : 30/01/2019 1:17 pm
    Trusted Member
    Re: MK3S / MK4 Wishlist

    This suggestion would mean that you'd have to re-crimp all the cables that ship with the kit, which is a lot of work for little benefit. But I really wish the cables on my MK3 had been cut to the proper length so cable management wasn't such a pain when putting the kit together. I liked the suggestions for using a ribbon cable with breakout boards or using a custom connector, although the heater cables would probably prevent those suggestions from being as elegant a solution as it sounds. And it would add bulk to the carriage. I'd settle for proper length cables.

    I wish I could see what the nozzle is printing more easily, but I know that proper cooling is a pain enough as it is. Adding a LED would be nice too.

    The most important suggestion I have however, is to please put an on/off switch on the front panel. With the Lack table enclosure, having the only switch be on the PSU is really inconvenient.

    Veröffentlicht : 01/02/2019 10:30 am
    On The Spot
    Eminent Member
    Re: MK3S / MK4 Wishlist

    How about the ability to have the X-axis move outside the print area, and incorporate a "purge bucket" to reduce the amount of waste generated with each tool change. I recently got my MMU2 up and running, and one of the first prints was a Benchy from the included GCodes. The purge tower was 4x the weight of the Benchy when it was done. That's a lot of wasted filament!

    3DMN recently called out Prusa in a video about Purge Buckets stating that he did not see a way of making one work on the Mk3 (see video at: )

    Veröffentlicht : 03/02/2019 4:16 am
    Estimable Member
    Re: MK3S / MK4 Wishlist

    I find I often am looking for a simple shape for a quick fix like a shim or washer. It would be useful to me if I didn't have to draw, slice, and transfer such things to the machine before printing. Could we have a submenu that you can go to to print simple shapes directly at the machine like you do on CNC mills. Rectangular shims are easy enough with G1 commands and washers with G2/G3 so wouldn't need a full slicer to allow the user to enter dimensions and print.

    Veröffentlicht : 03/02/2019 3:05 pm
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