MK4 vs Mini+ print quality?
Hello Prusa community,
I am seriously considering purchasing a Mini+ to supplement my first 3D printer, the MK4 kit. I am very happy with the MK4 (even though I technically don't have anything to compare it with), and I hope to be equally satisfied with a Mini+.
Seeing as updates to the Mini+ introduces input shaper and first layer calibration at the start of every print (ensuring a great first layer)... The Mini+ is almost an equally good printer as the MK4? Apart from having a smaller print volume, slightly lower bed and nozzle temperatures, and bowden tube maybe struggling with flexible filaments: Are there any other downsides?
What I'm particularly curious about: how is the print quality of the MK4 compared to the Mini+? (the one thing I can't "objectively" read about in data sheets)
Thank you in advance for any help on the subject!
RE: MK4 vs Mini+ print quality?
I am also interested in an answer that. Thanks in advance.
RE: MK4 vs Mini+ print quality?
I have two Mk4's and two Minis (running Dragon hotends). I'm hard pressed to argue that there's a meaningful difference in print quality. In fact, in my hands input shaper on the Minis performs better than IS on the Mk4s, and the Minis don't need to be coddled once Live Z is calibrated, unlike the Mk4's, which I don't trust to produce a good first layer with PETG on textured or satin sheets unless I manually adjust Live Z when the print starts. Don't get me wrong, I like many things about the Mk4 but it feels like there's still some growing pains of a new product line, whereas the Mk3S and the Mini are just workhorses that have been refined over the years.
Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...
RE: MK4 vs Mini+ print quality?
I picked up a a Mini+ after my MK4, more for the creation of the below video guides then anything else TBH, but from my test prints I was actually very impressed. The MINI+ is not a space saver as such, due to the external spool holder (unless you mount the spool elsewhere) but in terms of quality I saw very little difference at all between the two printers. If you're used to the quality of the MK4, you'll have no issues with the quality of prints from the MINI+.
--> MK4 - MK4S - MINI+ - MMU3 - Accelerometer Guide - BambuLab A1 Combo <--
RE: MK4 vs Mini+ print quality?
Just a couple of thoughts to add to the Mini:
I strongly suggest getting a dual drive extruder, either the Bondtech IFS or the Trianglelab extruder. It's the only upgrade I deem essential. The original extruder works but is very sensitive and in my hands required constant adjustments. With the dual drive extruder I never had to adjust it and never had any clogs that were not caused by user error.
A common issue people run into is XZ skew of the print bed. Very easy to fix, just follow the instructions for squaring the print bed in the Prusa knowledgebase.
I run Dragon hotends because they make nozzle swaps a lot easier. With the original hotends, many people suggest replacing the heat break with a titanium heat break. I for one never had an issue with the original heat break when I was using the original hotends but YMMV. What is critical is to make sure to push up the heat break as much as possible before securing it with the grub screws. Plenty of posts about this.
Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...