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Lost Printed by FEDEX  

Lost Printed by FEDEX

I already contacted chat and they told me to send an email.  I filed a claim with FEDEX and Paypal.  

FEDEX says the package was delivered.  It clearly was not delivered to the right house or person.  Has anyone else has an issue with delivery and how long did it take to resolve?

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 04/12/2020 1:00 am
Estimable Member
RE: Lost Printed by FEDEX

Mmmm, It doesn't inspire confidence in FEDEX does it.


I once had an order with Prusa sent via DHL EXPRESS that arrived in my home town of Perth in Western Australia within 3 days from Prague only to depart, travel to the other side of the country to Sydney, spend 3 days there before I contacted DHL asking them why my order was on the other side of the country to which they replied that it wasn't and it had been delivered to me already. I told them that I had not received my order and I clearly have not signed for any package from them and I referred them to the detailed tracking of the package on their website outlying where my package ended up, in fact they did not even accept anything had gone wrong and they kept insisting that I had received my package.

I escalated my enquiry with DHL into an investigation and low and behold, within 7 days I received my package, albeit without an apology or even an explanation from DHL.

I have made a couple orders over the Black Friday sales just gone and Prusa have gone with FEDEX for their free delivery option instead of DHL, clearly because they are cheaper. I hope and cross my fingers that I do not have any problems with them.


Good luck with your order and don't let up questioning your misplaced delivery, raise an investigation if you have to.

Opublikowany : 06/12/2020 1:23 am
Topic starter answered:
RE: Lost Printed by FEDEX

I am sure Prusa will make it right, but the behavior from FEDEX does not make me comfortable.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 06/12/2020 1:25 am
Noble Member
RE: Lost Printed by FEDEX

I almost always choose DHL for my deliveries from Prusa, so far so good. I had some trepidation about the free black Friday Fedex delivery as well, but its what made the purchase worth it. Assuming I do get my package I'm expecting it to look like someone played hockey with it.

Charles I hope this goes well for you. Mine is currently showing as in transit.

The Filament Whisperer

Opublikowany : 06/12/2020 1:46 am
Topic starter answered:
RE: Lost Printed by FEDEX


That might be my choice from now on.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 06/12/2020 2:15 am
Topic starter answered:
RE: Lost Printed by FEDEX

FEDEX lost the package.  It was delivered to a building about a KM away with a completely different address.  A resident of an AAP found the box unopened in their entryway.  They called me and I picked it up.  Now. tomorrow, I will start using it.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 08/12/2020 12:08 am
Noble Member
RE: Lost Printed by FEDEX

I'm glad it went that well for you, I just received mine today undamaged.

The Filament Whisperer

Opublikowany : 08/12/2020 12:14 am
Topic starter answered:
RE: Lost Printed by FEDEX

I appreciate everyone for advice while I waited.  Make sure you check your PINDA/MINDA.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 08/12/2020 1:04 am
Estimable Member
RE: Lost Printed by FEDEX

i am  yet to receive confirmation that mine has been shipped. i hope mine did not get lost before it was supposed to be shipped out. . .

i know of a facebook user who is in New Jersey and placed his order an hour after me and he got his as of Friday last week . . . while im here checking on my order status everyday almost every time i sit on my computer be it at home or at work hoping i get movement of my order... 

Opublikowany : 08/12/2020 3:36 am
Topic starter answered:
RE: Lost Printed by FEDEX


Were they identical order in everything including color?

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 08/12/2020 10:46 am
Estimable Member
RE: Lost Printed by FEDEX
Posted by: @cwbullet


Were they identical order in everything including color?


i got an email from Prusa today and yep, printer is still in the making and got the usual pandemic excuse along with so many orders which i totally get.

what was not answered and i am confused about is how people who had their orders processed way after me got their printers already!

now they are saying it'll probably be next week.  how one email from prusa says its ready to be packed and shipped to being ready in another week in another email is again confusing to say the least.

i went with Prusa as i got the feedback that it has stellar customer service. Is it really?

sorry if i hijacked your thread it was not my intention, just getting frustrated and way to eager to get my printer and get going...

wish Prusa can read this.


Opublikowany : 08/12/2020 2:02 pm
RE: Lost Printed by FEDEX

Keep in mind when you ship in the volumes Prusa does it's not as simple as just taking things to the depot. Likely they have volumetric or weight agreements in place in place instead of retail pricing - The shipping companies need to allocate for it ahead of time so it would not be unusual to say "At your current rates you can ship X kg and/or cubic meters per day" - and if something like that is coupled with geographic restrictions (for example, they have 3 flights to US destinations per day, and 10 to EU) - and everyone has to share those freight planes. 

So while it's not the only explanation, it could certainly be contributing to the issue - especially with multiple carriers. If all the DHL flights to $CITY are backed up for a week because everyone orders DHL shipping, and then, it's easy to understand how a fedex order might get delivered a little sooner if there is more freight availability. 

TL;DR - logistics is complicated. 

Opublikowany : 08/12/2020 2:37 pm
bobstro polubić
Topic starter answered:
RE: Lost Printed by FEDEX


Good point.  They do nto store products in stock to wait for your printer to be built.  Items out of stock can delay shipping.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 09/12/2020 1:18 am
Reputable Member
RE: Lost Printed by FEDEX



Glad to see you got your printer. 

It just takes one honest person that does that little bit extra to help someone. 

Opublikowany : 09/12/2020 9:10 am
Topic starter answered:
RE: Lost Printed by FEDEX


Yup.  I am printing them something.   They have a need I am going to fill gratis. 

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 09/12/2020 10:22 am