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Login needs a Captcha now?  

Trusted Member
Login needs a Captcha now?


i just relogged in into the forum and  found that the login needs now Two Factor Authentication (TFA) and a Captcha. This seems to be kind of overkill. 😳 

That captcha btw, i this recaptcha (related to google)? I would very much prefer friendlycaptcha which skips this whole select-pictures-with-XXX.

Unimportant fun fact: I was told some times ago that this kind of captcha was used to use millions of "volunteers" to train image recognition KI.

Best regards


Posted : 20/12/2021 10:23 am
Estimable Member
RE: Login needs a Captcha now?

Those images always contain objects, that are part of the cocodataset and should be detectable by any AI now with a higher percentage than humans do 😀

And if you want to outsource everything: Captcha solving subscriptions charge maybe 5 bucks for 1k captchas and prices keep dropping.

The Captchas are really only there to annoy users.

Prusa Mini FW4.4.1

Posted : 20/12/2021 11:43 am
New Member
RE: Login needs a Captcha now?

Those photographs always contain items from the cocodataset, which should now be detected by any AI at a higher rate than humans.

And if you want to outsource everything, captcha solution subscriptions cost around $5 for 1,000 captchas, and costs are steadily decreasing.

Captchas are mostly used to frustrate users.

Posted : 29/12/2021 11:49 am