Leveling-Free of upcoming new Creality. How does it work?
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Leveling-Free of upcoming new Creality. How does it work?  

Trusted Member
Leveling-Free of upcoming new Creality. How does it work?

I saw on kickstarter the lauch of new Creality CR-6 SE where the principal innovation is a new patented method for levelling the bed.
I've seen a Naomi Wu preview on her youtube channel, but
I didn't understand how this new leveling method works.
Apparently no probe is present for levelling but the nozzle seems to be the probe.
could somebody clarify?

Postato : 12/05/2020 5:10 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Leveling-Free of upcoming new Creality. How does it work?

Just uninformed speculation here 🙂 but I can imagine that if you had an electrical connection to both the metal nozzle and to the heatbed wiring or even to the steel sheet, you essentially have a [height] variable capacitor. Whether this is actually the case you cited or whether this is even practical is an open question.

Questo post è stato modificato 5 years fa da DJ


Postato : 13/05/2020 7:01 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Leveling-Free of upcoming new Creality. How does it work?

It's on Kickstarter. They don't need to worry about a working solution until they have the money.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Postato : 13/05/2020 7:17 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Leveling-Free of upcoming new Creality. How does it work?

Today, Joel Telling of 3DPrintingNerd, has published a video regard that new CR-6 and he spoke of this "new" method of levelling called Force Sensitive Resistor.
Because English is not my mother lenguage, i don't understend much of this FSR, but anyway every new implementation and semplification in 3D printing world...macke me happy 🙂
If you understend better this method of levelling, please share.

Postato : 13/05/2020 7:37 pm
Patrick McNamara
Estimable Member
RE: Leveling-Free of upcoming new Creality. How does it work?


Force sensitive resistor:  Applying a force to the (i. e. touch) changes the resistance.  If you mount the extruder on vertical rods, so it can move up when it touches the the bed and doesn't damage the bed, you then put springs to keep it down under normal circumstances and put a force sensitive resistor under one of the springs.  The moment the tip touches the the bed, the FSR starts to change value.  By looking at the value of the FSR after each step down in the Z axis, and a bit of filtering, you can detect with fair precision when the tip touched the bed.  Your precision would be limited by the characteristics of the force sensitive resistor.

Postato : 13/05/2020 9:15 pm
Vincenzo.c3 hanno apprezzato
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Leveling-Free of upcoming new Creality. How does it work?

Joel tell who this method is similar to SeeMeCNC Artemis levelling.
Creality has patented this solution and i suppose there is somthing new. In every case i don't know SeeMeCNC machine but i'll search on youtube for make me an idea.
The reason who i created this discussion is for ask to community if in your opinion, thath new levelling system is better respect to the PINDA Probe.
Clearly we don't know much about it, but I was curious about your opinion on it.


Postato : 13/05/2020 10:07 pm
Patrick McNamara
Estimable Member
RE: Leveling-Free of upcoming new Creality. How does it work?


Without knowing the details of the FSR, it's pretty much impossible to say whether it is more, or less accurate with respect to the PINDA Probe.  Does it have the potential to be?  Probably.  Will it be in practice?  Probably not.  This comes down to designing things to be cheap.  Extreme resolution, accurary and precision (different things) are not cheap.  You are effectively trying to use the nozzle of the print head as the probe point for a dial indicator.  If the zero point of the FSR drifts as it probes, that impacts accuracy and precision.  The ADC used to read the resistor will impact resolution and accuracy.  The sensitivity of the resistor will impact accuracy.  The more sensitive everything is, the more sensitive to noise things will be, which can impact both accuracy and precision. 

No matter what you do, you cannot compensate for bed variation less than the minimum layer height as this is usually the change in Z axis of the print head for the smallest step of the Z axis motors.  If it is 0.1mm, then it doesn't matter if you can measure a 0.01mm difference in your sensor setup.  If the bed is 0.06mm higher in one place, you cannot move the print head to 0.16mm.  You can have it at 0.1mm or 0.2mm, those are your two choices.  Nor can you really even measure a variation less than the minimum Z step.  If Z is 0.1mm and your sensor hasn't triggered and you command the to go down one step, to 0.0mm and now your sensor triggers, where did it trigger?  You know it triggered somewhere between 0.1mm and 0.0mm.  But you have no way to measure where in the rotation of the stepper that it actually triggered. 

If properly designed, yes, it could be more repeatable than the PINDA -- a big if, for things designed to be cheap.  Will it have better resolution?  Probably not.  Will in be more precise?  Possibly.  Will it be more accurate?  Impossible to say as it depends as much on the rest of the printer design as it does the sensor itself.

Postato : 14/05/2020 2:33 am
Vincenzo.c3 hanno apprezzato
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Leveling-Free of upcoming new Creality. How does it work?


Thanks, you have been very detailed.
We just have to wait for future reviews.
I hope that, in a future MK4, there is something more precise than PINDA.
Postato : 14/05/2020 10:54 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Leveling-Free of upcoming new Creality. How does it work?

For those interested, on the official Creality youtube channel there is a long Q&A video with the Chief Technical Adviser, the majority of questions are on the leveling system.
Unfortunately for me without subtitles it is difficult to understand well.
Those who speak fluent English can get an idea and maybe write some more details here on the forum.

Postato : 14/05/2020 9:02 pm