Layer shifting in 2.3.0 alpha3
Hi, I have the same issue as the one shown in the first photo under "Big shifting" of the following thread when I used Pursaslicer 2.3.0 alpha3 and Superslicer. It happened at around the level where support ended. There is no issue with bed adhesion. Also no issue when printing using 2.2.0. Anybody else has this issue? Could this be a software bug?
Based on experience, how long do we have to wait for the alpha4 and the stable version of 2.3.0?
RE: Layer shifting in 2.3.0 alpha3
Wait times vary as they want to resolve most issues, but typically a few weeks to months.
FWIW - I am not seeing layer shifts using Alpha3.
and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan
RE: Layer shifting in 2.3.0 alpha3
No issue when using 2.2.0 but issues when using 2.3.0-alpha3 or Superslicer. What do you think is the problem?
RE: Layer shifting in 2.3.0 alpha3
I’m also not seeing anything like that in either alpha 3 or super slicer either. And I’ve used both a lot recently.
what printer are you using and what are you slicing ? If you save a project as a 3mf file and zip it up and attach we can take a look.
RE: Layer shifting in 2.3.0 alpha3
I am using i3 MK3S. X belt calibration have already been done. The print sticked to the build plate quite well so no bed ahersion issue. What do you mean by "what are you slicing"? I am using alpha3.
RE: Layer shifting in 2.3.0 alpha3
Here is an illustration of my issue. Not sure if this is called Layer Shift. The shift is about 0.6mm but it is obvious. I have support material between the top and bottom horizontal flat surfaces of the C-shape. The shift happens from around the level where the support ends. Tried three different slicers with the same filament but same issue.
When I used the same STL file but a Prusament brand filament, it printed nicely.
So, what are the possible reasons?
The left is what I want to print and the right is what I got.