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[Rozwiązany] Language Filter  

Reputable Member
Language Filter

Is there any way to filter out non-native language posts when checking for recent posts?

Best Answer by --:

I just don't click them; or if I think it makes some sense with my limited language skills, I open them and use Google Translate.

Quality is the Journey, not the Destination. My limited prints->

Opublikowany : 01/03/2020 12:05 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Language Filter

I just don't click them; or if I think it makes some sense with my limited language skills, I open them and use Google Translate.

Opublikowany : 01/03/2020 3:55 am
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Language Filter


Quality is the Journey, not the Destination. My limited prints->

Opublikowany : 01/03/2020 3:59 am
Mary Tillios
Eminent Member
RE: Language Filter

It depends on how good your language skills are. For example, I would not use it and didn't do anything stupid again, if it’s not at all clear to me. I usually trust intuition in such matters.

Opublikowany : 03/03/2020 12:35 pm
RE: Language Filter

Where it gets annoying is interesting topics with English titles but non-English content. At least find a way to show me what language/subforum the thread is in from the "unread posts" page. 


Opublikowany : 03/03/2020 2:41 pm
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Language Filter
Posted by: @marry_till

It depends on how good your language skills are.

Me. I am Linguistically challenged. English is the one and only language I understand. And some would argue that! 😉 

The one exception was when my mother-in-law yelled at me in Ukrainian. Her I understood.


Quality is the Journey, not the Destination. My limited prints->

Opublikowany : 03/03/2020 5:59 pm
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Language Filter
Posted by: @vintagepc

Where it gets annoying is interesting topics with English titles but non-English content.

I think some of those are in inadvertent. Just like my other recent topic. I thought I was posting it in a different place, not in General..

At least find a way to show me what language/subforum the thread is in from the "unread posts" page. 

The website developers want you to open it and scroll to the very top to find out because it it easier for THEM.

I find it inconceivable that WE are not given the choice of which language forums WE want to search/read, regardless of what language you are conversant in. I think (no proof ) that some may find all the English posts they have to skip over an inconvenience as well.

It should be about the user/member experience, not how hard it is for developers/programmers.

< climbing down from soapbox>



Quality is the Journey, not the Destination. My limited prints->

Opublikowany : 03/03/2020 6:17 pm
Sembazuru polubić
RE: Language Filter
Posted by: @kennd
Posted by: @vintagepc

Where it gets annoying is interesting topics with English titles but non-English content.

I think some of those are in inadvertent. Just like my other recent topic. I thought I was posting it in a different place, not in General..

At least find a way to show me what language/subforum the thread is in from the "unread posts" page. 

The website developers want you to open it and scroll to the very top to find out because it it easier for THEM.

I find it inconceivable that WE are not given the choice of which language forums WE want to search/read, regardless of what language you are conversant in. I think (no proof ) that some may find all the English posts they have to skip over an inconvenience as well.

It should be about the user/member experience, not how hard it is for developers/programmers.

< climbing down from soapbox>



I think what's more frustrating is all of these sorts of features people are regularly asking for are part of just about every standard forum platform out there. But for some reason that is opaque to us, they decided to go with a half-baked addon for wordpress (ew) combined with a bunch of roll-their-own improvements. 

Opublikowany : 03/03/2020 6:45 pm
Sembazuru polubić
Member Moderator
RE: Language Filter

Hi all,

we - moderators are trying to keep posts in appropriate language section. When I find Czech or Slovak  (which are my native tongues) on the English part and English on Czech part, I am transferring them to the correct language thread. Also regarding the posts in inappropriate thread. I am trying to do my best.

Nevertheless, from Time to time I discovered that even the language barrier for some great people (even recently being present in this thread) is not an obstacle and their highly professional answers are very much appreciated, by people they asked for help.

On the other hand I have also experienced, that sometimes the behaviour difference (within same native language) makes higher barriers, when some people do not recognize and do not value the effort  of our HELPERS here. 


So thanks all of them.

even an old man can learn new things 🙂
Standard I3 mk3s, MMU2S, Prusa Enclosure, Fusion 360, PrusaSlicer, Windows 10
PRUSA MINI+ Prusalink + Prusa Connect

Opublikowany : 04/03/2020 10:44 am
RE: Language Filter
Posted by: @zoltan

Hi all,

we - moderators are trying to keep posts in appropriate language section. When I find Czech or Slovak  (which are my native tongues) on the English part and English on Czech part, I am transferring them to the correct language thread. Also regarding the posts in inappropriate thread. I am trying to do my best.

Nevertheless, from Time to time I discovered that even the language barrier for some great people (even recently being present in this thread) is not an obstacle and their highly professional answers are very much appreciated, by people they asked for help.

On the other hand I have also experienced, that sometimes the behaviour difference (within same native language) makes higher barriers, when some people do not recognize and do not value the effort  of our HELPERS here. 


So thanks all of them.

Just to clarify - we're not complaining about posts in a certain language being in the wrong area, we're just asking for a convenience filter on pages like  that let us filter out posts in languages (or sections - e..g I don't have an SL1 and therefore am not particularly interested in that section as a whole) we are not comfortable speaking or trying to interpret.

Opublikowany : 04/03/2020 2:00 pm
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Language Filter


First off, I, and I suspect others, have the utmost respect for anyone that volunteers as a moderator. You do your best to put things where they belong, try to control unwanted behaviour. etc.. For all the moderators here. Thank you, and keep up the good work.

This topic started out as a simple question about filtering out non-native forum topics and I was OK with the first answer.

I would ask you to do two things-

1 - Bring the request for this type of filter to PR.

2 - Close this topic as it not really going anywhere.

Thanks again for all your hard work.

Quality is the Journey, not the Destination. My limited prints->

Opublikowany : 04/03/2020 7:51 pm