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Is this a heatbed issue?  

Trusted Member
Is this a heatbed issue?

Mk3S+, Overture PETG

So, I have been printing several iterations of a MagSafe charger holder that is essentially a rectangular box with a circular hole to mount the charger puck.  The part comes out OK but one corner is a little odd...see photo.  And it is not just the first layers, but the finished top of the part also has a different look in this area.  This repeats no matter quality or speed setting.  Is this maybe a heatbed issue... or something else?



Postato : 24/09/2024 12:44 pm
John Lindo
Eminent Member
RE: Is this a heatbed issue?

PETG, large flat area.

Try printing on glass. 


Postato : 24/09/2024 3:16 pm
Illustrious Member

Your first layer 'Z' offset calibration is a fraction too low, too much squish.


Postato : 24/09/2024 4:12 pm
raylo e _KaszpiR_ hanno apprezzato
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Is this a heatbed issue?

Why is it messed up just in the corner, then?  The mesh leveling should make it the same over the entire bed, correct?

Posted by: @diem

Your first layer 'Z' offset calibration is a fraction too low, too much squish.



Postato : 24/09/2024 4:41 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Is this a heatbed issue?

zip and attach original project file, we may look into it.
Also, looks like your first layer (z offzed from bed) is too low.

See my GitHub and for some 3d stuff that you may like.

Postato : 24/09/2024 6:49 pm
Illustrious Member

The sensor detects the presence of the steel sheet below the pei coating.  You are using a textured sheet.  The thickness of the coating can be variable with the powder coated application.  If the coating is fractionally thicker in that area then it would lead to it being closer to the nozzle, hence the diagnosis of the slightly too low Live Z.

Smooth sheets being a adhesive film are 'generally' more even.  

Posted by: @raylo-2

Why is it messed up just in the corner, then?  The mesh leveling should make it the same over the entire bed, correct?

Posted by: @diem

Your first layer 'Z' offset calibration is a fraction too low, too much squish.




Postato : 24/09/2024 7:04 pm
raylo hanno apprezzato
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Is this a heatbed issue?

I have a roll of PLA coming and I'll try that this evening with the smooth PEI sheet.  Although the printed part is totally useable with this PETG print.

Postato : 24/09/2024 7:08 pm