Implement automatic shutdown after Print.
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Implement automatic shutdown after Print.  

New Member
Implement automatic shutdown after Print.

Hey guys are you also thinking about an automatic shudown after print button/checkbox on the printer Software? I would appreciate it and you could safe a litte bit of your money. Yes i know that you could do it with gcode, but i think it could be a lot cooler directly managed from the printer. For Example you got an 4h print which you trigger at 22h and you want to go to sleep, you could easily check the auto shutdown checkbox/button.


Publié : 28/10/2020 10:42 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Implement automatic shutdown after Print.

My Prusa Mk3 uses 12 watts per hour when idle. To use 9.5 cents worth of electricity, it would have to idle for 83.3 hours. Even if the system could shut off, there would still be idle power being used; probably less than 12 watts, but 1 or 2 is easy to see. So the savings is so meager, probably not worth the effort. Plus, there is no power relays or switches the firmware can toggle, so you'd need to add hardware to make the feature work. 

As it is, all heaters are disabled after a print; motors and fans disabled, etc. The LCD stays on ... the CPU is running at an idle ... but that's about it.

Can I suggest you buy a mechanical clock power timer - set it for print time plus a buffer - then head off to bed. 

ps: but perhaps some new future design can reduce the idle power to less?

Ce message a été modifié il y a 4 years par --
Publié : 29/10/2020 3:48 am
Estimable Member
RE: Implement automatic shutdown after Print.

For this specific reason, I have use a combination of OctoPrint and a powerplug running Tasmota ( which can be turned on and off using the OctoPrint Plugin

I did not do this for powersaving reasons, the PI I am using is consuming more than the Prusa idling, for me it was important to get the power away from the Printer - so a malfunction does not burn down my house 😀
And it allows me to easily remote print files, or monitor them and if I see thing go weird, I can act.

Publié : 29/10/2020 10:54 am
-- a aimé
RE: Implement automatic shutdown after Print.

quite good idea - but in meantime, You can use smart socket (Tuya smart or similar) - it can shutdown the power source - and also monitor power usage (costs).

Publié : 08/03/2024 8:23 am
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Implement automatic shutdown after Print.

don't forget to either eject your filament, or let the hot end cool before turning off your printer. to reduce the chances of heat creep after printing

Prusa firmware runs the extruder fan, until below 50C

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Publié : 08/03/2024 11:32 pm
Oregun et cjameshuff ont aimé
RE: Implement automatic shutdown after Print.

sure. first wait to cool off - that is visible from the web interface, then turn off... 😉

and I leave every time the printer with clean printing bed - so when some idea is walking around, I can remotely start a new job then... usually small pieces are already printed when I come home... 🙂

also camera is "on site" - to view how it is going and in case of emergency I'm able to shut down entire system remotely...

and I have successfully tested file transfer via my phone from dropbox (synchronised exchange location throught all my devices) to the printer without even starting computer at home... 🙂

(sure that in this case is VPN to home network a "good to have" condition... 😉 but not necessarily necessary )

Publié : 11/03/2024 6:20 am
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