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How do filament dryers work?  

Trusted Member
How do filament dryers work?

My question is, where does the moisture actually go?

I get that warm air absorbs moisture better then cool air. But in a closed box with a heater, where does the warm moist air go?

With a food dehydrator, warm air recirculates by a fan over and over, eventually drifting out the top hole along with the moisture.

But in a closed box with a heater and no fan, how does it work?

Posted : 27/11/2024 10:58 am
Walter Layher
Prominent Member
RE: How do filament dryers work?

Not very well, the moist air needs a path to escape. You should open the cover a little bit to improve efficiency. I have added a fan mod to my Sunlu S1 dryer, there are many other similar mods available. I have also placed a bluetooth sensor inside the cover and I can follow the drying progress. Big difference if the cover is closed or cracked open a little bit.

Posted : 27/11/2024 11:30 am
JP Guitars
Reputable Member
RE: How do filament dryers work?

I would agree with Walter for most of the small dryers but the bigger ones do work well. I've got a Sunlu S4 which has a humidity sensor built in so you can set the humidity you want, it vents some air and works well. I no longer use my S1

The PrintDry Pro3 is also supposed to be very good.

Posted : 27/11/2024 12:29 pm