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[Solved] Forum Search "Next Page" not working?  

Active Member
Forum Search "Next Page" not working?


being new to 3D printing and this community, I try to adhere to internet manners, by using this Forum's search function first, in order to avoid redundant threads.

When using the search function, however, I've noticed that I cannot (easily) access but the first page of results. 

The link behind the "Next >" button is which redirects me to the start page of the forum. Same happens when I select the results page from the dropdown menu appearing when clicking on the page number input field left of the button.

Only when I use the


part of the link, and append it to my original search URL by 


i actually get to the 2nd page of results.

I tested this with multiple browsers (Opera, Chrome, Firefox, Safari) and always get the same incorrect behavior. Is this only me, or is it a bug in the forum's code?

Napsal : 28/12/2023 6:44 pm