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flex material  

Active Member
flex material

My first flex print so I am excited to get it but the flex material was almost impossible to remove from the plate.

Ideas appreciated.


Posted : 23/02/2020 3:09 am
Noble Member
RE: flex material

You were lucky. I found it almost impossible to remove, packed up around the Bondtech gear...

What print plate are you using? This is one time the textured plate is great. Chilling the plate when removing also helps.

Posted : 23/02/2020 3:24 am
Prominent Member
RE: flex material

I use Magigoo on my print bed when printing flex. The flex sticks to the Magigoo and when cooled down the Magigoo peels off the bed. (I then clean the Magigoo off the print with hot water.)

Someone else here on the forums (Joan, I think) says that they sprinkle a little talcum powder (unscented) and wipes the bed to leave an almost invisible layer of talc. I haven't tried this yet myself, but it sounds interesting.

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Posted : 23/02/2020 4:16 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: flex material

I will try to talcum powder first as I have some here but thanks for the info on the magigoo.  I will buy some of that if the talcum powder doesn't work.  I also read where somewhere else that they use painter's tape to help but didn't know if that just created another problem - if it was hard to separate the tape from the part afterwards. 


I will post what I find for others to follow.   thank you all for the response.  

Posted : 23/02/2020 11:50 am
RE: flex material

I put a drop of IPA touching the base of the part. It wicks under and the part just peels off after a few seconds. (PC sheet, I believe the smooth sheet needs extra prep just like it does for PETG)

Posted : 23/02/2020 12:54 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: flex material

talcum powder worked pretty well if anyone is interested.

the supplied glue in the kit worked a bit better but was more mess to clean up.


I am going with the talcum powder for now.  thanks all for the advice 

Posted : 24/02/2020 12:21 am
Active Member
RE: flex material

I read somewhere to use blue painter's tape over the build plate whenever printing flexible stuff.  It worked for me, though I did have to mess with my Live Z  a little.

Posted : 25/02/2020 4:23 am