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First Layer Stopped Sticking  

Stránka 2 / 2
Reputable Member
Re: First Layer Stopped Sticking

jhbinfla, Thanks that would explain it but my Prusa i3 MK2 didn't come with the PEI spring steel print sheet. I have checked all of the boxes and there isn't any. On the YouTube Video doesn't have one either and it isn't in the list of the MK2 parts. .

OH.... Well, that would explain it then 😳 😳 . I was not aware that the Mk2 did not have a removable sheet. I saw the word heatbed and the screws in your 3d picture and the picture of the triangle which the Mk3 has on the heatbed and just wanted to make sure you were not printing on the heatbed... That also explains why in the life-z thread there were pictures of what looked like people printing on heatbeds (which i could not understand at all..).

Sorry, I cannot help and I hope you get it resolved!

Strange women, laying in ponds, distributing swords, is hardly a basis for a system of governance!

Napsal : 03/09/2018 12:11 am
Active Member
Re: First Layer Stopped Sticking

Completely my fault. We took some time adjusting the Z axis and getting it fine tuned. then there was the problem with the ambient air temp in the room. We had our swamp cooler running and that caused the air around the prints to be to cold and raising up off the bed on the corners only to catch and get knocked off. So it was just me being a non techie blonde. 😉

Napsal : 03/09/2018 5:46 pm
Paul Harker
Trusted Member
Re: First Layer Stopped Sticking

Opinion follows:

PEI needs to be both clean and not 100% smooth.

When cleaning with alcohol and acetone is no longer enough to ensure adhesion, I lightly buff the PEI with a "Magic Eraser". This not only removes any shapes visible in the PEI, but gives it just a bit of bite for prints to adhere to. I've also used "Soft Scrub" and "Barkeepers Friend" to achieve the same effect but the "Magic Eraser" is far less messy and does the job wonderfully.

Napsal : 03/09/2018 6:37 pm
Stránka 2 / 2