Feature Upvoting for improving community feedback
Hi Everyone.
I am wanting to pitch an idea that I feel could help the community. If we could have an area on the forum and have sub forums in that for different topics(community, specific printer models, miscellaneous) and incorporate some sort of thread up voting software add on to the forum it could help people express and idea and let people up vote the thread with out having to comment on it, as up votes would be visible outside of the thread. It could help the Prusa Devs by looking at popular ideas that are up voted and they could go on to ask further questions or help give them guidance on what the community at large is feeling without weighing in on lots of threads if they didn't want to. They could even mark threads as "under consideration" or "under implementation" etc so we the community can see what they are looking at.
Apologies if this doesn't read well I'm having a bit of trouble expressing myself but as an example take a look here, https://featureupvote.com/ this site is exactly what im getting at, using this an an example only. Surely the tech gurus could figure out a way to incorporate something like this or have a stand alone forum for feedback and ideas to be voted on by the community.
just a thought.
Respect the fact everyone is entitled to have an opinion, you dont have to like it or hate it, just accept its theirs and not yours and you will be ok!