Epic Y-axis Layer Shifts - losing my mind.
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Epic Y-axis Layer Shifts - losing my mind.  

Active Member
Epic Y-axis Layer Shifts - losing my mind.

Hi there

Thanks in advance for all your help!

I hope one of you can spot the simple silly thing that I must be doing wrong, and have missed in over 10 iterations of the same print that failed.  I'm getting ~3mm layer shifts (only y-axis) part way up my print, only this model (have printed lots, lots of things with no layer shifts!). My best guess as of now is a collision of some kind . I've heard a louder bump sound and shortly after noticed the layer shift, I have not yet been sitting right in front of the thing to see it happen yet.  Did try to record a video of it and had no luck analyzing it.  Frequently seems to happen 4-6 hours into the print. The first time this happened (in April) it destroyed my hot end.   Have been again off and on for months, at least 2 KG of filament wasted on this. 

Printer: Artillery Sidewinder X1
Slicer: PrusaSlicer 2.3.1 (have not tried Cura yet)

Mods:  Genuine E3D Titan Extruder, with E3D nozzle.  SKR 1.4 Turbo, Magnetic PEI flex plate,  BL Touch. 

What I've tried so far:
1. Tightened all belts (even added a tensioner on Y axis).  Nice bass cord sound when plucked.
2. Checked all my rollers, moving perfectly with no play when rocked.  Carriages roll very smoothly, no obstructions. 
3. Slowed my print speeds and accelerations way down (started at 80-100 mm/s, now down to 50 mm/s).
4. Reduced my extrusion multiplier to 0.93, in case over extrusion was causing a bump in the infill. 
5. Have tried various infills, all at 10-15 %:  lines, rectilinear, honeycomb, cubic.
6. Added a 1MM Z Hop, to try to prevent collisions. Seems a little better, but still fails. 

Attached photos and .3mf file for your enjoyment.   
Attachment Explanations:

tray_full_side_layer_shift_06-Aug : most recent attempt from today.  3MF file attached. 

tray_layer_shift_collection: this is a collection of my failures.  A few are missing.  As you can see, all of them have a layer Y-axis layer shift of at least 3 mm at some point, after which I stopped the print.  Also you can see a 60mm calibration cube (perfectly 60mm), and a stretched cut cube (about 250 long), showing that my printer can print taller things, and longer things well.  Not shown are the many prints have all turned out great - a perfect 300 mm tall 40mm tube printed in vase mode (no layer shifts, and a perfect cylinder), and many other things 50-200 mm tall printed with no shifts whatsoever. 

Tray_the first casualty_13-April: the first failure, the one that started it all.  Tried to speed the tray by printing with a 0.8mm nozzle at high speed,  Came back in the morning to this mess.  You see the layer strata where parts of the hot-end were ripped off.  Epic failure!


If you've made it this far, I owe you at least a coffee 🙂  

Looking for any help to get this print done, before I give up and ask someone else to print it!

Opublikowany : 07/08/2021 3:38 am
Eric Eichstaedt
Eminent Member


I can't see the attached 3MF-File, am I missing something?

Using Z-Hop only prevents the failure/layershift within travel moves. As soon as you print a wall or the infill where probably too much filament is located, it still produces a layer shift. 

Could be the transition from infill to solid layers or something, so the 3MF File is pretty interesting.

You are probably printing ABS?

Electrical EngineerWorking on master’s degree in electrical engineering

Opublikowany : 07/08/2021 6:39 am
Moderator Moderator
Not a Prusa printer.

Hi Sammy.   This forum is for users of Original Prusa printers (Mini, MK3S, etc.)  and you will probably find better help on a forum dedicated to the Artillery Sidewinder X1.  I would also suggest you try sites like Reddit.

Opublikowany : 07/08/2021 12:57 pm