Easy build plate treatment - ABS & PETG Invisible Film Sticks and Releases
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Easy build plate treatment - ABS & PETG Invisible Film Sticks and Releases  

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Easy build plate treatment - ABS & PETG Invisible Film Sticks and Releases

Like many Prusa users have I have been using Glue Stick and Windex on PEI plates for many years.  The revelation I had recently is that you only need an invisible layer of glue stick not a thick messy mess to get the best combination of stick and release.  


1) Clean PEI smooth plate with hot water and cheap detergent (The standard ones have conditioners that stop your print sticking). Keep a an oil/grease free plastic dish wash brush for this purpose and scrub hard and rinse well.

2) With a thin layer of water on the warm plate lightly rub on the glue stick. It's water soluble so will dissolve a thin film of glue. The glue stick will appear to glide over the water. If you can see white glue stick after wiping you have too much. More glue does not equal more stick. (see video)

3) Lightly wipe the plate with tissues or paper towel to remove the excess water.

4) After printing let the plate plate cool down, twist the plate and the parts pop off (see video)


1) Clean PEI smooth plate with cheap detergent and hot water, rinse well.

2) Immediately after drying the warm plate spray on Windex and then smooth the liquid over the entire surface with a plastic scraper. Wipe off Windex which will leave a thin film.  Warm the plate up to about 60c, repeat the application and wipe off. The extra heat helps to get the Windex into the cracks. 

3) After printing let the plate plate cool down, twist the plate and the parts pop off 

Why does this work ?  Your PEI plate is ribbed and any surface that's being regularly heated and cooled will develop micro cracks that the filament can grab onto. The liquid fills or coats these gaps but leaves enough surface for the filament to stick without damaging your plate.  




Veröffentlicht : 23/11/2024 9:56 am
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Easy build plate treatment - ABS & PETG Invisible Film Sticks and Releases

Applying glue stick



Veröffentlicht : 23/11/2024 10:07 am
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Easy build plate treatment - ABS & PETG Invisible Film Sticks and Releases

Cracking off the print (turn sound on)



Veröffentlicht : 23/11/2024 10:07 am