Downloading another's work to get Prusaments
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Downloading another's work to get Prusaments  

Active Member
Downloading another's work to get Prusaments

I've been noticing quite a few models that are being downloaded by someone other than the creators. I've seen some posters downright saying that they are reposting from Thingieverse so the models can now be found on Printables. The models are not remixed, modified, or anything, the poster is just taking the .stl and putting it up on Printables website, I assume so they get Prusaments. Is anything being done to keep this from happening? I've been reporting when I notice it, but by no means do I know all the .stl models out there.

Veröffentlicht : 05/04/2022 12:40 am
Trusted Member
RE: Downloading another's work to get Prusaments

I don't understand what problem there is in doing what you have described in fact I only see advantages for this community.

The visits to the site are increased, the users are increased (you cannot download them if you are not registered, which is possible on TI), the models are increased since someone has stopped publishing them on TI.

Of course, Mr. Giuseppe will suffer from having to give away hundreds of rolls of filament but he and his staff have decided to reward the downloads.

1+1=10 - take a look at my disgusting and useless models

Veröffentlicht : 05/04/2022 7:23 am
Noble Member
RE: Downloading another's work to get Prusaments

I don't know, it might be legal (depending on license requirements), especially if the original source is referenced specifically. But it doesn't sound right to me. At least have the decency to modify/improve  it in any way so that it not simply a pure copy. 

Mk3s MMU2s, Voron 0.1, Voron 2.4

Veröffentlicht : 05/04/2022 8:01 am
LizzB gefällt das
Eminent Member
RE: Downloading another's work to get Prusaments

Se fosse corretto quello che dice @lizz allora che senso avrebbe la funzione di import da thingiverse?

Quella funzionalità inoltre non ti impone di migliorare il modello esistente, si limita a crearne una copia; io ad esempio ho importato qui quasi tutti i miei modelli ma non ho cambiato la descrizione di quelli su TI per dirottare i download qui.


If what @lizz says is correct then what is the point of the import function from thingiverse?

That functionality also doesn't require you to improve the existing model, it just makes a copy of it; for example, I have imported almost all my models here but I have not changed the description of those on TI to divert the downloads here.

Veröffentlicht : 05/04/2022 8:23 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Downloading another's work to get Prusaments

I imported my own models from thingiverse to Printables.  What's wrong with that.  Could quite easily be the same person, just different user account names on there and here.

As aRGiRob mentions there is an import model function specifically to encourage designers to do just that with their own models.  I think you are reading too much into it.

Veröffentlicht : 05/04/2022 9:30 am
Noble Member
RE: Downloading another's work to get Prusaments

The import function imports your own models from thingiverse. I was not talking about that, I was talking about people copying models from someone else and posting them here unmodified. I also believe that is what Lizz meant as well. 

There is absolutely nothing wrong with importing your own models from thingiverse. I am not saying we should investigate everyone like the secret police, just that I wouldn't copy someone elses work to merely upload it here and cash in prusameters. 

Mk3s MMU2s, Voron 0.1, Voron 2.4

Veröffentlicht : 05/04/2022 10:28 am
Eminent Member
RE: Downloading another's work to get Prusaments


Posted by: @thejiral

The import function imports your own models from thingiverse. I was not talking about that, I was talking about people copying models from someone else and posting them here unmodified. I also believe that is what Lizz meant as well. 

There is absolutely nothing wrong with importing your own models from thingiverse. I am not saying we should investigate everyone like the secret police, just that I wouldn't copy someone elses work to merely upload it here and cash in prusameters. 

Se tu copi un modello di un altro da TI a qui non sei in grado di modificare TI per dire di scaricare il modello da qui a meno che tu non sia la stessa persona ed a quel punto usi la funzione di copia da TI.

Concordo nel dire che non si dovrbbero copiare modelli fatti da altri senza modificarli e senza nemmeno indicare che sono dei "copie non modificate".


If you copy a model of another from TI to here you are unable to modify TI to say download the model from here unless you are the same person and at that point you use the copy function from TI.

I agree that one should not copy models made by others without modifying them and without even indicating that they are "unmodified remixes".

Veröffentlicht : 05/04/2022 10:45 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Downloading another's work to get Prusaments

The problem is there is no viable automated mechanism to check.  Its impossible to know with certainty if someone uploading a model created it or not.  A bit of software certainly couldn't determine that, not without some significant advances in AI smart systems.

If you absolutely know of an instance then report that model on Printables.  There is a report function.  Become the model police.   Beyond that there's not a lot that can be done and I am not going to worry about it unless someone posts one of mine.  As all of mine are already copied over anyway then its just a normal case of someone stealing another's work. 

 Which if you post it on the internet is going to happen to you eventually.  You either accept that and live with it or never post anything online.

The other point I think people are also over looking with regards to Prusameters is that only the first 10 models you upload count, ever.  Thats going to limit the effect of doing that in the long run.  100 meters sounds like a lot but its a lot harder to get those other 229 unless the models are really popular.  And if you do it with a really popular model there's more chance someone will catch on that you have stole the work and then the admins can nuke your account so its limited in effect.  


Veröffentlicht : 05/04/2022 11:24 am
Peter H und PjotrStrog gefällt das
Famed Member
RE: Downloading another's work to get Prusaments

Amen. I was just going to reply in a similar vein  but Neophyl nailed it.  

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Veröffentlicht : 05/04/2022 1:40 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Downloading another's work to get Prusaments


Posted by: @funcoolio

I don't understand what problem there is in doing what you have described in fact I only see advantages for this community.

The visits to the site are increased, the users are increased (you cannot download them if you are not registered, which is possible on TI), the models are increased since someone has stopped publishing them on TI.

Of course, Mr. Giuseppe will suffer from having to give away hundreds of rolls of filament but he and his staff have decided to reward the downloads.

You can download files without being registered and afaik you always could in the past.

Check my designs
Veröffentlicht : 05/04/2022 8:28 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Downloading another's work to get Prusaments

I have an issue where someone takes another person's work and claims it for themselves. Not all of the ones I've seen are giving credit to the creator or the model. I can't go take artwork and claim it's mine, I can't go take a book and claim it's mine. Does it happen, yes but I don't think people should get rewarded for it

Veröffentlicht : 05/04/2022 8:44 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Downloading another's work to get Prusaments

As in the topic title, I'm talking about taking another person's work and downloading it, such as taking McGyBeer's models and downloading them here without permission or his knowledge

Veröffentlicht : 05/04/2022 8:46 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Downloading another's work to get Prusaments

I'm glad you downloaded your own models, however, what if someone other than you is downloading your models without your permission? That is the issue I am talking about

Veröffentlicht : 05/04/2022 8:47 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Downloading another's work to get Prusaments

Thank you, this is exactly what I mean. Taking someone else's work and downloading here without permission

Veröffentlicht : 05/04/2022 8:49 pm
Famed Member
RE: Downloading another's work to get Prusaments

To be clear, I don't like the idea that someone downloads someone else's work from TV and then posts it on printables at all, even if they show the minimum amount of decency and cite the original author. It's not so much the prusameters they get for uploading (because that's limited to 10 uploads) but the prusameters for likes,  makes, etc. I think you're a scumbag  for doing that, unless you have permission by the creator.

At the same time, it's the internet, so decency is not something I expect in the first place. As Neophyl wisely observed, getting your stuff stolen is just a matter of time, and if you don't like that, don't publish your models. As a creator you have the option of posting the model to all sites. I for one decided to post all new designs here and rarely cross post anything to TV, a site that deserves to be humanely put out of its misery.  Another astute observation Neophyl made is that collecting prusameters on downloads is a tedious task unless you have a very popular model. In which case I assume the creators either pay attention or don't care. If I found someone post one of my models here or sell my stuff on Etsy etc without my permission, I'd contact the admins with a DMCA takedown notice. There's actually another thread on this forum related to a DMCA notice Prusa received from Honda, in which this is being discussed ad nauseam (that poor dead horse is still being flogged). I certainly wouldn't expect Prusa staff to play the role of policemen checking each and every submission for legitimacy  


Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Veröffentlicht : 05/04/2022 10:02 pm
Neophyl, Peter H und LizzB gefällt das
Peter H
Trusted Member
RE: Downloading another's work to get Prusaments

This discussion has probably run its course, but I'd like to note that a couple of "other people's work" files were actually entered in the current competition.   Presumably the real author of one of those (who drew attention to them by creating a separate entry) reported them, and they have now been removed.  So in this instance the system works.

The report button is there to be used so I'm glad that instance was discovered.  

Veröffentlicht : 06/04/2022 2:42 am
LizzB gefällt das
Trusted Member
RE: Downloading another's work to get Prusaments

I've seen some posters downright saying that they are reposting from Thingieverse so the models can now be found on Printables.

This sentence misled me, I translated it as: I saw on TV that some had changed the description of the model saying to download it from here etc etc etc ... Who but the author of the model can change the TV description?


1+1=10 - take a look at my disgusting and useless models

Veröffentlicht : 06/04/2022 7:42 am
Trusted Member
RE: Downloading another's work to get Prusaments


Posted by: @pjotrstrog


Posted by: @funcoolio

I don't understand what problem there is in doing what you have described in fact I only see advantages for this community.

The visits to the site are increased, the users are increased (you cannot download them if you are not registered, which is possible on TI), the models are increased since someone has stopped publishing them on TI.

Of course, Mr. Giuseppe will suffer from having to give away hundreds of rolls of filament but he and his staff have decided to reward the downloads.

You can download files without being registered and afaik you always could in the past.

You're right, I've always stopped in front of the banner that invites you to register and I've never noticed the beautiful X in the top right..... and I didn't even notice that the download proceeds anyway 🙂


1+1=10 - take a look at my disgusting and useless models

Veröffentlicht : 06/04/2022 7:45 am