Does anyone have an STL for the p-drill handle?
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Does anyone have an STL for the p-drill handle?  

Active Member
Does anyone have an STL for the p-drill handle?

So I bought a couple of upgrade kits for my mk2. One of the pieces that came in there was the p-drill. It was an oblong hexagon shaped handle with slots to insert square nuts and would hold a drill bit.

Fast forward a bit- one of my robotics students broke off the drill bit. I set the p-drill handle aside until I could figure out what size of replacement bit I needed. I seem to have misplaced that little bugger. It was quite handy for deburring holes, such as those in my replacement extruder body that I had to print after breaking my pinda probe off on a print.

Does anyone have the p-drill handle model? I asked support for it through the contact me option, and haven't heard a peep. It was clearly printed, so someone has to have it somewhere!


Postato : 20/03/2019 7:57 pm
New Member
Re: Does anyone have an STL for the p-drill handle?

Did anyone ever contact you about this?

Postato : 21/03/2019 2:03 am