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display layer progress  

ear 3d
New Member
display layer progress

can anyone help im recently new to prusa slicer and am running v2.3.0-rc2. when running thru octoprint it does not allow layer progress/percentage to work i have tried adding 

M117 printing layer [layer_num]


M117 printing layer [layer_num] at [layer_z]mm


M117 printing layer {layer_num+1}/[total_layer_count]

both in the output filename format and 

post processing scripts in and prusa slicer says invalid 

Publié : 09/01/2021 12:54 pm
Estimable Member
RE: display layer progress

I've run RC1, 2 and Beta 1 & 2 and Display Layer Progress work fine on all of them. RC3 has just been released too.


You shouldn't need to add anything to your gcode or scripts to make it work.

Publié : 09/01/2021 1:04 pm
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