Create a new model or update an existing one.
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Create a new model or update an existing one.  

Dr Operator
Eminent Member
Create a new model or update an existing one.

Recently I had made an entry into the Building Blocks contest called Roller Coaster Creator that I received a tremendous amount of feedback on. One thing that kept coming up was improved functionality of the cart as it just goes flying off the track in it's current form. In order to accomplish this, I needed to revamp everything except the cube and slope pieces you see in the first picture. What I'm wondering is, should be uploading it as a new model or pile all current files into a V1 folder and uploading all the new pieces in a V2 folder?


Current version







Posted : 03/06/2023 7:41 pm
Famed Member
RE: Create a new model or update an existing one.

Check out this thread:


Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 03/06/2023 9:42 pm
Dr Operator
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Create a new model or update an existing one.

Solid advice, thank you 🙏 

Posted : 03/06/2023 9:48 pm