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Compare PrusaSlicer with Ideamaker  

Noble Member
Compare PrusaSlicer with Ideamaker

Thought it might be interesting to compare these two slicers. I have working profiles for PS and have located some for ideamaker. The instructions that come with the Ideamaker profiles say "Once Downloaded: use the Import->Import from local disk option on the ‘Select Template’ option found under start slicing." Which makes no sense to me. The only start slicing option I can find is greyed out (presumably untill you give it something to slice).

BTW I found these profiles here , they are .bin files.

Napsal : 17/11/2022 6:21 pm
Famed Member
RE: Compare PrusaSlicer with Ideamaker

Last I knew, there was no Prusa I3 series profile for Ideamaker, and I did not see one obvious at the link you gave.  Is one available for the Prusa?

Napsal : 17/11/2022 6:36 pm
Noble Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Compare PrusaSlicer with Ideamaker

I'm not using a Prusa printer, that's why I posted in General discussion. Not interesting for me but I believe there are Mk3s and Mini profiles available in the Library.

Napsal : 17/11/2022 7:14 pm