Can't Export Gcode file to my Local folder after updating to 2.4.0
Hi there, I just recently updated my Slicer to 2.4.0 and currently experiencing this error. I cant export gcode files to any local folder in my PC though I can export it to my SD card. Hope someone could help me solve the issue. Thank you
RE: Can't Export Gcode file to my Local folder after updating to 2.4.0
A couple of things...
Is your user name really "user"? I would expect something a bit different in "C:\Users\<not user>\Pictures\Custom\..." just a bit strange but allowed.
Can you copy the file from the SD card to "C:\Users\user\Pictures\Custom"? The first thing I would suspect is a permissions problem.
Have you tried to save to some other folder on your hard drive? Another test for permissions problems.
I just installed 2.4.0 a few days ago but have not used it so I just tried saving an stl and it worked fine.
RE: Can't Export Gcode file to my Local folder after updating to 2.4.0
That path does look odd. First thing I would try is saving it to a different known directory. I've been using 2.4 since RC1 with no issues to saving.
Mini+ (kit) - Revo Micro | Antler Cooling | WiFi (4.4.0RC1)